Universidad de Guanajuato
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Who is Universidad de Guanajuato
The Universidad de Guanajuato (in English, the University of Guanajuato) is a university based in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, made up of about 33,828 students in programs ranging from high school level to the doctorate level. Over 17,046 of those are pursuing undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees. The university offers 153 academic programs, including 13 doctorates, 39 masters programs, and 65 bachelor's degrees. The university has schools in fourteen cities throughout the state of Guanajuato.Read more
Popular SearchesUniversidad De GuanajuatoBiblioteca Armando OlivaresPatronato de la Universidad de Guanajuato"Sede 20 de Enero" de la Divisin de Ciencias de la..."UG" - Divisin de Ingenieras Campus Irapuato Salam...SIC Code 82,829NAICS Code 71,713Show moreUniversidad de Guanajuato Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Universidad de Guanajuato
The Universidad de Guanajuato (in English, the University of Guanajuato) is a university based in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, made up of about 33,828 students in programs ranging from high school level to the doctorate level. Over 17,046 of those are pursuing undergraduate, masters, and doctorate degrees. The university offers 153 academic pro... Read More