Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology
Hospitals & Physicians Clinics · Nepal · 341 Employees
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Who is Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology
Tilganga institute of ophthalmology is a leading organization in eye health research and contributing national and international community to do pr actice based on evidence. The research department of the TIO is leading the nation towards Excellence in Ophthalmic Research. It was a deep felt realization for the need of ophthalmic research in the country that led to the inception of the Tilganga Institute. Its strong commitment to social values and the TIO's dream to create a world class research facility in the country. Acquisition and dissemination of knowledge has been one of the founding principles of Nepal Eye Program. We have always strived to share the rich knowledge and experience acquired at our research through services, products and academic and training activities. Within the short period of time when research department has initiated the work, about century research projects were implemented and more than 90 research papers has published in national and international indexing journal. Research department formulated five year strategy plan which helps towards a vision research centre within TIO. it focus the building of capacity of existing staffs, hire new potential staffs and propose two large scale and at least six small scale research projects. The main thrust of these activities to move as a centre of excellence in research.Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology
Tilganga institute of ophthalmology is a leading organization in eye health research and contributing national and international community to do practice based on evidence. The research department of the TIO is leading the nation towards Excellence in Ophthalmic Research. It was a deep felt realization for the need of ophthalmic research in the cou... Read More