The League of Historical Societies of New Jersey
Cultural & Informational Centers · New Jersey, United States · 80 Employees
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307 High St, Mount Holly, New Jersey, 08060, Un...Phone Number
(609) 265-5858Website
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Who is The League of Historical Societies of New Jersey
The League of Historical Societies of New Jersey, founded in 1966, is composed of over 220 organizations that represent over 45,000 individual memb ers. While most of the organizations in the League are local historical societies, it also includes statewide societies and related institutions, county agencies, museums, libraries and archival groups, historic preservation agencies, and a variety of other organizations devoted to and interested in New Jersey history. The members of the League share information and ideas about their activities and their problems, and about the work of other groups engaged in saving New Jersey history, county by county, and town by town. They conduct cooperative activities to advance preservation and knowledge of the history of New Jersey. The League holds three meetings each year for all of its members, one in each of the regions - Northern, Central, and Southern. These meetings are hosted by member societies of the League. The League welcomes to its membership all historical societies in the state and all other organizations and institutions that work for the preservation of New Jersey history. Register here for our next workshop "Organization Essentials" on Saturday, October 29, at the Woodbridge Community Center. You can pay via PayPal using the button below.Read more
Popular SearchesThe League of Historical Societies of New JerseyLeague of Historical Societies of New JerseyKingsland ManorHistoric Restoration TrustLeague of Historical SocietiesSIC Code 84,841NAICS Code 71,712Show moreThe League of Historical Societies of New Jersey Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The League of Historical Societies of New Jersey
The League of Historical Societies of New Jersey, founded in 1966, is composed of over 220 organizations that represent over 45,000 individual members. While most of the organizations in the League are local historical societies, it also includes statewide societies and related institutions, county agencies, museums, libraries and archival groups,... Read More