Technical University of Mombasa
Colleges & Universities · Kenya · 367 Employees
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Who is Technical University of Mombasa
Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) has passed through three transitional levels to become what it is now. The various phases it has undergone so far reflect the GOK's concerted efforts in promoting technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurship education and training in line with the dynamic technological and industrial growth in Kenya and in Africa. The origin of TUM can be traced back to the late 1940's as a result of the consultations pioneered by Sir Philip Mitchell in 1948 between The Aga Khan, the Sultan of Zanzibar, the Secretary of State for the colonies, Sir Bernard Reilly and H. M. Treasury. Out of these consultations, Mombasa Institute of Muslim Education (MIOME) was founded from capital raised by means of gifts of Kshs.100, 000 from Sultan of Zanzibar and Kshs.50, 000 by the Bohra Community of East Africa at the insistence of Doctor Sayedna Taher Saifuddin. Sheikh-Sir Mbarak Al-Hinawy who served as the Liwali (Governor) for the Coast of East Africa and Mombasa from 1941-1959 also had major contributions in MIOME's development. As the Governor he was consulted by the Government about various aspects of the proposed school, including its charter. In his capacity he represented the Sultan of Zanzibar and closely worked with the British colonial government. Sheikh Khamis was a generous and enlightened philanthropist who sought to assist local causes. In 1948 he was the one who donated 34 acres of land where the institute was built and in Tudor area where the Prof. Ali Alamin Mazrui Campus stands. It was Sir Mbarak Al Hinawy who secured this prime land in port Tudor from his close friend Sheikh Khamis. ithout this land MIOME would not have become a reality. When MIOME was opened in 1951, the Sultan of Zanzibar Sheikh Khalifa bin Harab and Sheikh-Sir Mbarak Al-Hinawy were the key guests in the occasion. Sheikh-Sir Mbarak Ali-Hinawy was the founding member of MIOME's Board of Governors. At its inception, MIOME was charged with the prime objective of providing adequate technical education on ...Read more
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Wärtsilä to deliver the first-ever Cloud Simulation service in Africa at the Technical University of Mombasa
Wärtsilä Corporation, Press Release, 2 December 2021 at 1.00 PM EET Wärtsilä Voyage is to equip the Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) with Cloud Simulation services ( This will make TUM the first African university to adopt cloud-based maritime training services. The contract was signed in November 2021 and the services will be implemented from January 2022 onwards. The Maritime Training Academy at TUM is a leading maritime education un
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Technical University of Mombasa
Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) has passed through three transitional levels to become what it is now. The various phases it has undergone so far reflect the GOK's concerted efforts in promoting technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurship education and training in line with the dynamic technological and industrial growth in Kenya a... Read More