St Francis of Assisi Preschool
Childcare · North Carolina, United States · <25 Employees
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11401 Leesville Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27...Phone Number
(919) 534-4849Website
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Who is St Francis of Assisi Preschool
From its inception, our preschool has recognized the importance of igniting and encouraging that spark in early childhood which is carefully nurtur ed into a vibrant love of learning and care for all of God's creation. To help meet the needs of our families, we offer a variety of classes for children from early 2 through 5 years, as well as before and after care options. e provide a strong, structured program that is validated by The Diocese of Raleigh and accredited by AdvancED. e follow the Diocese of Raleigh Early Childhood Curriculum which outlines a continuum of developmental skills in all areas including social-emotional, spiritual, intellectual, creative, and physical. We know the importance of addressing all of these areas early in childhood to help ensure future educational success.Hands-on opportunities in classes such as Music & Movement, Spanish, Science & Math, and Service provide additional activities for enriching a child's growth. We believe that it is a true gift to be able to partner with parents to foster a positive start to a child's educational journey. cooperative effort with families from the beginning establishes a foundation that leads to greater self-esteem and respect for others, while also providing a safe place to initiate, explore, and partake in innovative and imaginative play. Our vision has been to foster holiness, hope, and hospitality in a child-centered learning environment. As Catholic educators, we strive to guide each child to develop to his/her greatest potential by providing a friendly, caring, safe, and faith filled environment. ur program is committed to furthering the growth and development of the whole child by way of individual and group interactions that are engaging, as well as educational and rooted in play. Through all of our interactions with your child, we hope to communicate God's unconditional love and acceptance. I, along with the teachers, welcome the opportunity to meet you!We look forward to sharing more about the wonderful opportunity that awaits your ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding St Francis of Assisi Preschool
From its inception, our preschool has recognized the importance of igniting and encouraging that spark in early childhood which is carefully nurtured into a vibrant love of learning and care for all of God's creation. To help meet the needs of our families, we offer a variety of classes for children from early 2 through 5 years, as well as before a... Read More