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South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

Elderly Care Services · Canada · 76 Employees

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6470 Victoria Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia, ...

Phone Number

(604) 324-6212


<$5 Million


Charitable Organizations & Foundations Organizations

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Who is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH) is a community-based organization that focuses on connecting people and strengthening the neighbourhoods in South Vancouver. Our mandate is to develop harmonious relationships among community groups of different cultural, economic, religious, and social backgrounds. Programs and services are determined by conditions within each community and by the needs and interests of the people living in that community. SVNH currently offers a variety of programs and services that support individuals and families, such as Seniors' Wellness, Youth Leadership, Licensed Preschool and Out-of-School Care, Parenting and Family Resource Programs, Settlement Services for Newcomers, Food Security, Literacy, Adult Day Programs, Community Engagement Events, and more. Each year, nearly 3,000 individuals participate in our programs, which are run in partnership with over 600 volunteers. South Vancouver Neighbourhood House has been a member of the Association of NeighboRead more
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's Social MediaPopular SearchesSouth Vancouver Neighbourhood HouseSouth Vancouver Community Policing CentreSouth Van Seniors NetworkSouth VancouverSouth Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH)SIC Code 83,832NAICS Code 62,624Show more

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Org Chart

Monice Chloe


Huda Bolbolan

Director, Settlement & Family Programs



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

Where is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House located?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's headquarters are located at 6470 Victoria Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5P 3X7, Canada
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's phone number?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's phone number is (604) 324-6212
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's official website?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's official website is www.southvan.org
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's Revenue?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's revenue is <$5 Million
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's SIC code?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's SIC: 83,832
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's NAICS code?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House's NAICS: 62,624
How many employees does South Vancouver Neighbourhood House have?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House has 76 employees
What industry does South Vancouver Neighbourhood House belong to?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House is in the industry of: Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations
What is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House competition?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House top competitors include: Collingwood Neighbourhood House, North Shore Neighbourhood House, Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society, PLEA Community Services
What technology does South Vancouver Neighbourhood House use?
Some of the popular technologies that South Vancouver Neighbourhood House uses are: WooCommerce, WordPress.org, PHP, Zoom
How do I contact South Vancouver Neighbourhood House?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House contact info: Phone number: (604) 324-6212 Website: www.southvan.org
What does South Vancouver Neighbourhood House do?

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH) is a community-based organization that focuses on connecting people and strengthening the neighbourhoods in South Vancouver. Our mandate is to develop harmonious relationships among community groups of different cultural, economic, religious, and social backgrounds. Programs and services are determined by... conditions within each community and by the needs and interests of the people living in that community. SVNH currently offers a variety of programs and services that support individuals and families, such as Seniors' Wellness, Youth Leadership, Licensed Preschool and Out-of-School Care, Parenting and Family Resource Programs, Settlement Services for Newcomers, Food Security, Literacy, Adult Day Programs, Community Engagement Events, and more. Each year, nearly 3,000 individuals participate in our programs, which are run in partnership with over 600 volunteers. South Vancouver Neighbourhood House has been a member of the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC since 1977. Located at Victoria Drive and 49th Avenue, SVNH serves the Sunset, Victoria-Fraserview, and Killarney-Champlain neighbourhoods.Read More

What are South Vancouver Neighbourhood House social media links?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Linkedin page South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Twitter page South Vancouver Neighbourhood House Facebook page
Is South Vancouver Neighbourhood House a public company?
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

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