In addition to servicing these aquariums, we sell aquarium goods and pre-quarantined livestock at reasonable prices. This way, our clients avoid un necessary trips to the store, and are fully engaged in their underwater adventure. With over 30 years in aquarium husbandry experience and backed by insurance and bond, ProAquariums is highly skilled and fully capable of executing the requirements of your home or facility. Located in Frederick, Maryland, ProAquariums is at the center of its client base. Our clients in the Baltimore-DC Metro area are as diverse as the aquaria we maintain. We serve nursing homes, day care centers, community centers, doctors' offices, restaurants, commercial offices, and private homes and apartments. ProAquariums maintains a multitude of aquarium types: saltwater, freshwater, reef, ponds, cichlids, terrariums, and palludariums. ClientsRead more
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