Pelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation
Elderly Care Services · Louisiana, United States · 26 Employees
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405 Milton Rd, Maurice, Louisiana, 70555, Unite...Phone Number
(337) 893-4449Revenue
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Pelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation
Pelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation offers expert senior care within a luxurious community to suit a lifestyle as unique as you are. Our p rogressive, yet charming care community in Maurice, LA is filled with southern hospitality and surrounded by pecan groves. If you're getting ready for a rehab short-stay to recover from knee surgery or an injury, we help you recover and get back home quickly. Or if you're getting ready to make yourself at home for long-term living, we make the transition from home to our community as seamless as possible. At Pelican Pointe, our energetic, yet compassionate caregivers offer a completely personalized care experience for each resident. Our Cajun-infused, traditional southern dishes indulge the taste buds, while our spacious resident suites offer the ultimate in comfort and luxury. Our signature activity programs and off-site excursions are robust and engaging, promoting an active mind and lifestyle. So, if you have a spirited passion for learning how to play the violin, going on a camping trip, or seeing Paul McCartney in concert, you should. Life is about choices. We don't limit ours and neither should you. Because of all this, plus more, Pelican Pointe makes it easy for you to quickly settle into a routine that fits your lifestyle. Providing our residents with a one-of-a-kind care experience is our philosophy behind providing healthcare well beyond ordinary.Read more
Popular SearchesPelican Pointe Healthcare and RehabilitationPointe Healthcare and RehabilitationPelican Pointe Healthcare RehabilitationPelican PointePelican Pointe HealthcareSIC Code 80,805NAICS Code 62,623Show morePelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Pelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation
Pelican Pointe Healthcare and Rehabilitation offers expert senior care within a luxurious community to suit a lifestyle as unique as you are. Our progressive, yet charming care community in Maurice, LA is filled with southern hospitality and surrounded by pecan groves. If you're getting ready for a rehab short-stay to recover from knee surgery or a... Read More