Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Colleges & Universities · Canada · 145 Employees
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Ontario College of Art and Design University, Canada’s Largest and Most Comprehensive Art, Design and Media University, Deploys YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Campuswide
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Canada-based Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U), recently deployed the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.NSCAD University appoints Dr. Peggy Shannon as new President
NSCAD University is thrilled to announce the appointment of Dr. Peggy Shannon as president. Her appointment, for a five-year term, is effective July 1, 2022.Inside NSCAD's real-estate row: Ousted president battled with board over Halifax properties ...
Before she was fired last summer, Aoife Mac Namara resisted a plan to sell heritage buildings in exchange for a new campus. The Globe obtained correspondence showing how the board pushed to change her mindNSCAD University - NSCAD University appoints Sarah McKinnon as Interim President
By Bruce DebaieOn behalf of the Board of Governors, I am pleased to share the news that Dr. Sarah McKinnon will assume the role of Interim President of NSCAD University, effective July 15, 2020.. . .
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
NSCAD University (also known as the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design or NSCAD) is a public art university in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The university is a co-educational institution that offers bachelor's and master's degrees. The university also provides continuing education services through its School of Extended Studies. The institution... Read More