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Native Village of Mekoryuk

Tribal Nations · Alaska, United States · <25 Employees

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100 Chase Rd, Mekoryuk, Alaska, 99630, United S...

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(907) 827-8828


<$5 Million



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Who is Native Village of Mekoryuk

The "Preamble" for the Tribe describes our residency on Nunivak Island as; We, a group of Alaska Cup'ig Natives, residents of Nunivak Island, in the State of Alaska, in order to prepetuate our way of life according to our ancestors and to provide for our prosterity do ordain and establish this Constitution by the authority of the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984) as amended. When adopted by village membership of the Village and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, this Constitution shall supersede the Constitution and By-Laws of the Native Village of Mekoryuk approved by the Secretary of the Interior on May 15, 1940, and the subsequet amendment of July 2, 1954. Although there are many seasonal camps around Nunivak Island, Mekoryuk is the only year round occupied village on the Island. The current population based on the 2010 Census was 191 people living in Mekoryuk. Nunivak Island is approximately 45 miles wide and approximately 80 miles long. The isRead more
Native Village of Mekoryuk's Social MediaPopular SearchesNative Village of MekoryukMekoryuk Native VLG-Ira CouncilNative Village ofIRA Council, MekoryukSIC Code 86,864NAICS Code 92,921Show more

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Edward Kiokun





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Native Village of Mekoryuk

Where is Native Village of Mekoryuk located?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's headquarters are located at 100 Chase Rd, Mekoryuk, Alaska, 99630, United States
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk's phone number?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's phone number is (907) 827-8828
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk's official website?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's official website is www.mekoryuktc.org
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk's Revenue?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk's SIC code?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's SIC: 86,864
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk's NAICS code?
Native Village of Mekoryuk's NAICS: 92,921
How many employees does Native Village of Mekoryuk have?
Native Village of Mekoryuk has <25 employees
What industry does Native Village of Mekoryuk belong to?
Native Village of Mekoryuk is in the industry of: Government
What is Native Village of Mekoryuk competition?
Native Village of Mekoryuk top competitors include: Togiak, IDRS, United Tribes of Michigan, Sherwood Valley Band
How do I contact Native Village of Mekoryuk?
Native Village of Mekoryuk contact info: Phone number: (907) 827-8828 Website: www.mekoryuktc.org
What does Native Village of Mekoryuk do?

The "Preamble" for the Tribe describes our residency on Nunivak Island as; We, a group of Alaska Cup'ig Natives, residents of Nunivak Island, in the State of Alaska, in order to prepetuate our way of life according to our ancestors and to provide for our prosterity do ordain and establish this Constitution by the authority of the Indian Reorganizat... ion Act (IRA) of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984) as amended. When adopted by village membership of the Village and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, this Constitution shall supersede the Constitution and By-Laws of the Native Village of Mekoryuk approved by the Secretary of the Interior on May 15, 1940, and the subsequet amendment of July 2, 1954. Although there are many seasonal camps around Nunivak Island, Mekoryuk is the only year round occupied village on the Island. The current population based on the 2010 Census was 191 people living in Mekoryuk. Nunivak Island is approximately 45 miles wide and approximately 80 miles long. The island is volcanic and has numerous types of terrain. On the west side of the island is mostly cliff, while the southerly, northerly and easterly portion of the island is low muskeg with rolling sand dunes in certain areas. The regional organizations associated with the Native Village of Mekoryuk includes; Regional non-profit; Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) , regional for profit corporation; Calista Corporation , regional health corporation; Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation (YKHC) , and finally regional school district; Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) .Read More

What are Native Village of Mekoryuk social media links?
Native Village of Mekoryuk Linkedin page Native Village of Mekoryuk Facebook page
Is Native Village of Mekoryuk a public company?
Native Village of Mekoryuk is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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