Metal Crafts Constructors Pvt
Construction · India · <25 Employees
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17/a Digvijay Plot, Digvijay Plot, Gujarat, 361...Phone Number
+91 1650308000Website
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Metal Crafts Constructors Pvt
Metal Crafts Constructors Private Limited was formerly known as Metal Crafts Engineers & Contractors. The company was founded by Mr. Thulasidharan Bhaskaran during the year 1992. The company is working in the fields of construction and engineering for more than a decade. Since then, the company has grown by its strength, mainly manpower and its rich experience. We are successful in earning and maintaining good will in all our areas of operation on account of our sincerity in dealings, quality consciousness of our men and our enthusiasm to deliver goods & services in time. We provide services to industrial giants and execute industrial projects. We are at present working in the areas of fabrication & erection of piping, structural &equipments, supply of engineering materials, supply of manpower, design & detailing of piping & structural and maintenance jobs of refineries, petrochemicals, fertilizers plants, power plants & steel plants. We also execute cross country pipe line projects. We take in the quality of our work but equally important are the business ethics in which we firmly believe & adhere to. We value the relationships we have built up & being maintained with our customers. We are proud of our reputation as a highly quality conscious and professional contractor for mechanical works. We provide a highly qualified and experienced team of engineers, supervisors & work men to our clients for execution of projects. Metal Crafts Entered to O... 05/05/2013 Metal Crafts have received a prestigiou... Metal Crafts is awarded the best contrac...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Metal Crafts Constructors Pvt
Metal Crafts Constructors Private Limited was formerly known as Metal Crafts Engineers & Contractors. The company was founded by Mr. Thulasidharan Bhaskaran during the year 1992. The company is working in the fields of construction and engineering for more than a decade. Since then, the company has grown by its strength, mainly manpower and its ric... Read More