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Love in Action Outreach

Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations · Louisiana, United States · <25 Employees

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4607 Downman Rd, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70126,...

Phone Number

(504) 309-5898


<$5 Million


Charitable Organizations & Foundations Organizations

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Who is Love in Action Outreach

New Orleans Outreach is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of public education in our partner schools. We do this by linking volunteers and other community resources with staff and students through programs that respond to the particular needs of each school. New Orleans Outreach gives public school students access to meaningful experiences that increase academic success, develop skills, and inspire them to participate fully in community life. Outreach recruits, trains, and places teachers, scientists, artists, coaches and volunteers in the classroom during the school day, after school, and in the summer. New Orleans Outreach supports some of the city's most innovative new open-admissions charter schools by garnering resources, both material and human, to deliver an extraordinary array of services that help students succeed. Although New Orleans Outreach began in September 1993, the impetus and ideas for the program are inextricably linked to two other moRead more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Love in Action Outreach

Where is Love in Action Outreach located?
Love in Action Outreach's headquarters are located at 4607 Downman Rd, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70126, United States
What is Love in Action Outreach's phone number?
Love in Action Outreach's phone number is (504) 309-5898
What is Love in Action Outreach's official website?
Love in Action Outreach's official website is www.loveinactionoutreach.org
What is Love in Action Outreach's Revenue?
Love in Action Outreach's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Love in Action Outreach's SIC code?
Love in Action Outreach's SIC: 83,832
What is Love in Action Outreach's NAICS code?
Love in Action Outreach's NAICS: 62,624
How many employees does Love in Action Outreach have?
Love in Action Outreach has <25 employees
What industry does Love in Action Outreach belong to?
Love in Action Outreach is in the industry of: Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations
What is Love in Action Outreach competition?
Love in Action Outreach top competitors include: Sandy Springs Mission, Hack Oregon, East End House, Kennedy Heights Community Center
What technology does Love in Action Outreach use?
Some of the popular technologies that Love in Action Outreach uses are: reCAPTCHA, Google Font API, YouTube, POWR
How do I contact Love in Action Outreach?
Love in Action Outreach contact info: Phone number: (504) 309-5898 Website: www.loveinactionoutreach.org
What does Love in Action Outreach do?

New Orleans Outreach is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of public education in our partner schools. We do this by linking volunteers and other community resources with staff and students through programs that respond to the particular needs of each school. New Orleans Outreach gives public school students access to... meaningful experiences that increase academic success, develop skills, and inspire them to participate fully in community life. Outreach recruits, trains, and places teachers, scientists, artists, coaches and volunteers in the classroom during the school day, after school, and in the summer. New Orleans Outreach supports some of the city's most innovative new open-admissions charter schools by garnering resources, both material and human, to deliver an extraordinary array of services that help students succeed. Although New Orleans Outreach began in September 1993, the impetus and ideas for the program are inextricably linked to two other models for education reform: New Orleans Charter Middle School (formerly James Lewis Extension), the city's first public charter school, and New Orleans Summerbridge, a youth-taught, summer-intensive program for middle school students. New Orleans Outreach came into existence to meet needs revealed through the development of these two highly successful education reform initiatives. Summerbridge (now known as the Breakthrough Collaborative) started in New Orleans in 1990. Based on the prototype in San Francisco, Summerbridge recruited local and national high school and college students to teach small classes of their own design to groups of 5-7 middle school children during the summer. The program emphasized experiential learning, multiculturalism, leadership development, and academic skill building. Summerbridge also provided year-round support and retreats for its students. In the summer of 1992, Jay Altman, the founder of New Orleans Summerbridge, and parents of Summerbridge students, convened to discuss the prospect of applying ...Read More

What are Love in Action Outreach social media links?
Love in Action Outreach Linkedin page Love in Action Outreach Twitter page Love in Action Outreach Facebook page
Is Love in Action Outreach a public company?
Love in Action Outreach is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Love in Action Outreach

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