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Logan Elm Baptist Church

Organizations · Ohio, United States · <25 Employees

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22530 Bolender Pontius Rd, Circleville, Ohio, 4...

Phone Number

(740) 474-1614


<$5 Million


Organizations General Organizations

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Who is Logan Elm Baptist Church

Logan Elm Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Our average attendance is between 100 and 150 on Sunday mornings, and we would be considered conservative in our theology and traditional in our worship by most standards. We hope that you will join us in worshipping our magnificent Savior. Logan Elm Baptist Mission was formed in May, 1975 by a group of 24 people who met in private homes. Four acres of land were purchased on the corner of Stoutsville Pike and Bolender-Pontious Road in July, 1975. Huber Avenue Baptist Church in Lancaster, Ohio accepted the sponsorship of Logan Elm Baptist Mission in September, 1975. The Logan Elm Baptist Mission constituted on August 22, 1976 with 78 charter members, and officially became the Logan Elm Baptist Church. A loan was obtained for the construction of phase one of a three phase building in November, 1977 with ground breaking taking place in March, 1978. A mere eight months later, a joyful congregation moved into theirRead more
Logan Elm Baptist Church's Social MediaPopular SearchesLogan Elm Baptist ChurchSIC Code 86,866NAICS Code 81,813Show more

Logan Elm Baptist Church Org Chart

Brenda Gibson

Financial Secretary

Kim Imler




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Logan Elm Baptist Church

Where is Logan Elm Baptist Church located?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's headquarters are located at 22530 Bolender Pontius Rd, Circleville, Ohio, 43113, United States
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church's phone number?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's phone number is (740) 474-1614
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church's official website?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's official website is www.lebc.org
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church's Revenue?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church's SIC code?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's SIC: 86,866
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church's NAICS code?
Logan Elm Baptist Church's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Logan Elm Baptist Church have?
Logan Elm Baptist Church has <25 employees
What industry does Logan Elm Baptist Church belong to?
Logan Elm Baptist Church is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is Logan Elm Baptist Church competition?
Logan Elm Baptist Church top competitors include: Providence Community Baptist Church, Antioch Baptist Church, North Park Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Hogansville
What technology does Logan Elm Baptist Church use?
Some of the popular technologies that Logan Elm Baptist Church uses are: WordPress.org, PHP, Google Font API, YouTube
How do I contact Logan Elm Baptist Church?
Logan Elm Baptist Church contact info: Phone number: (740) 474-1614 Website: www.lebc.org
What does Logan Elm Baptist Church do?

Logan Elm Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Our average attendance is between 100 and 150 on Sunday mornings, and we would be considered conservative in our theology and traditional in our worship by most standards. We hope that you will join us in worshipping our magnificent Savior. Logan Elm Baptist Mission was fo... rmed in May, 1975 by a group of 24 people who met in private homes. Four acres of land were purchased on the corner of Stoutsville Pike and Bolender-Pontious Road in July, 1975. Huber Avenue Baptist Church in Lancaster, Ohio accepted the sponsorship of Logan Elm Baptist Mission in September, 1975. The Logan Elm Baptist Mission constituted on August 22, 1976 with 78 charter members, and officially became the Logan Elm Baptist Church. A loan was obtained for the construction of phase one of a three phase building in November, 1977 with ground breaking taking place in March, 1978. A mere eight months later, a joyful congregation moved into their new building. A note-burning celebration was held in March, 1993. The mortgage on the church was paid off eleven years and nine months early. A ground breaking ceremony was held April 4, 1993 for the new educational building which was later named the Sowers Building, in memory of Paul Sowers, one of the original church founders. Pastors who have served at Logan Elm Baptist Church:Read More

What are Logan Elm Baptist Church social media links?
Logan Elm Baptist Church Linkedin page Logan Elm Baptist Church Facebook page
Is Logan Elm Baptist Church a public company?
Logan Elm Baptist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Logan Elm Baptist Church

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