Laura Kopetsky Tri-Ax
Transportation · Indiana, United States · 33 Employees
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5320 S Belmont Ave, Indianapolis, Indiana, 4621...Phone Number
(317) 788-7825Website
$8.9 MillionIndustry
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Who is Laura Kopetsky Tri-Ax
Established in 1980, Laura Kopetsky Tri-Ax Inc. has grown into what is now one of the largest woman-owned dump truck company's in the State of Indi ana. Conveniently located on the south side of Indianapolis, we have a track record of over 35 years of proven excellence. It is Laura's commitment to performance and customer satisfaction that has made us the most trusted name in the Indianapolis dump truck industry. With state of the art equipment and a professionally trained staff, we consistently aim to raise the bar on the services that we provide. Our foundation is built upon strong morals and values. We are always challenging standards and striving to improve service and professionalism in the hauling industry.Read more
Popular SearchesLaura Kopetsky Tri-ax IncLaura Kopetsky Tri-AxLaura Kopetsky Tri - Ax IncLaura Kopetsky Tri Ax IncKopetsky HaulingSIC Code 42,421NAICS Code 48,484Show moreLaura Kopetsky Tri-Ax Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laura Kopetsky Tri-Ax
Established in 1980, Laura Kopetsky Tri-Ax Inc. has grown into what is now one of the largest woman-owned dump truck company's in the State of Indiana. Conveniently located on the south side of Indianapolis, we have a track record of over 35 years of proven excellence. It is Laura's commitment to performance and customer satisfaction that has made... Read More