Media & Internet · Texas, United States · 143 Employees
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$236.5 MillionIndustry
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The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), an oil company headquartered in Al Ahmadi, Kuwait, is a subsidiary of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, a government- owned holding company. Kuwait was the world's 10th largest petroleum and other liquids producer in 2013, and fifth-largest exporter in terms of volume of crude oil and condensates. As Kuwait's oil reserves have been nationalized since 1975, with the KOC holding sole rights to explore for and develop oil resources, the company is also a key contributor to the economic and social development for the State of Kuwait. KOC operations and activities of exploring and producing oil make up nearly 90% of the national budget, which is still highly dependent on oil in its resources.Read more
Popular SearchesKuwait Oil CoKuwait Petroleum CorpKuwait Petroleum International LtdKuwait PetroleumKuwait Petroleum InternationalSIC Code 27,271NAICS Code 51,513Show Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding
The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), an oil company headquartered in Al Ahmadi, Kuwait, is a subsidiary of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, a government-owned holding company. Kuwait was the world's 10th largest petroleum and other liquids producer in 2013, and fifth-largest exporter in terms of volume of crude oil and condensates. As Kuwait's oil reserv... Read More