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Indiana Soccer Coaches Association

Hospitality · Indiana, United States · <25 Employees

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5247 Windridge Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46226...


<$5 Million


Hospitality General Hospitality

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Who is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association

The Indiana Soccer Coaches Association was formed in 1985 by Pete Kapsalis, the former boys soccer coach at Carmel High School. Soccer had progressed tremendously in the late 1970's and early 1980's and participation was starting to enjoy the benefits of fledgling youth leagues all over the state. At that time, no formal organization was in place to acknowledge the successes of these players, their programs and the sport of soccer itself. The Indiana Soccer Coaches Association (ISCA) was formed with the mission of acknowledging these successes. In the early days of the association, the membership represented both boys and girls coaches from the soccer programs of colleges and high schools within the State of Indiana. As time passed, the ISCA gradually narrowed its focus to the boys and girls high school programs. Membership in those early years was minimal compared to the membership of today and the work of the organization fell on few shoulders. Never the less, the foundation of the organization was set and the plans for the future were laid. As time passed, the ISCA continued to add to the many ways it recognizes the successes of the student/athlete, their programs and coaches. The current awards sponsored by the ISCA are as follows: Boys All-State Teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd and HM) Girls All-State Teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd and HM) Boys Player of the Year Girls Player of the Year Boys All-State Academic Team Girls All-State Academic Team Top Team Player Award Boys All-District Teams Girls All-District Teams JR/SR College Showcase Weekend ISCA Annual Awards Banquet Boys Coach of the Year Girls Coach of the Year Allan Katner Distinguished Service Award In 1994, the ISCA took on a new role and likely one of its most important. The Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) sanctioned boys and girls high school soccer and became the governing body of the sport in that year. The IHSAA selected the ISCA as its representative of boys and girls soccer and the ISCA spent many long hours working with the IHSAA to ensure ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Indiana Soccer Coaches Association

Where is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association located?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's headquarters are located at 5247 Windridge Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46226, United States
What is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's official website?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's official website is www.indianasca.com
What is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's Revenue?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's SIC code?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's SIC: 79,794
What is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's NAICS code?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association's NAICS: 71,711
How many employees does Indiana Soccer Coaches Association have?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association has <25 employees
What industry does Indiana Soccer Coaches Association belong to?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association is in the industry of: Hospitality General, Hospitality
What is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association competition?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association top competitors include: Corning Family YMCA, Canton Soccer School, Slocum Soccer School, Bethlehem Lacrosse Club
What technology does Indiana Soccer Coaches Association use?
Some of the popular technologies that Indiana Soccer Coaches Association uses are: Demosphere, Font Awesome, AWS Web Hosting, ASP.NET
What does Indiana Soccer Coaches Association do?

The Indiana Soccer Coaches Association was formed in 1985 by Pete Kapsalis, the former boys soccer coach at Carmel High School. Soccer had progressed tremendously in the late 1970's and early 1980's and participation was starting to enjoy the benefits of fledgling youth leagues all over the state. At that time, no formal organization was in place t... o acknowledge the successes of these players, their programs and the sport of soccer itself. The Indiana Soccer Coaches Association (ISCA) was formed with the mission of acknowledging these successes. In the early days of the association, the membership represented both boys and girls coaches from the soccer programs of colleges and high schools within the State of Indiana. As time passed, the ISCA gradually narrowed its focus to the boys and girls high school programs. Membership in those early years was minimal compared to the membership of today and the work of the organization fell on few shoulders. Never the less, the foundation of the organization was set and the plans for the future were laid. As time passed, the ISCA continued to add to the many ways it recognizes the successes of the student/athlete, their programs and coaches. The current awards sponsored by the ISCA are as follows: Boys All-State Teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd and HM) Girls All-State Teams (1st, 2nd, 3rd and HM) Boys Player of the Year Girls Player of the Year Boys All-State Academic Team Girls All-State Academic Team Top Team Player Award Boys All-District Teams Girls All-District Teams JR/SR College Showcase Weekend ISCA Annual Awards Banquet Boys Coach of the Year Girls Coach of the Year Allan Katner Distinguished Service Award In 1994, the ISCA took on a new role and likely one of its most important. The Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) sanctioned boys and girls high school soccer and became the governing body of the sport in that year. The IHSAA selected the ISCA as its representative of boys and girls soccer and the ISCA spent many long hours working with the IHSAA to ensure ...Read More

What are Indiana Soccer Coaches Association social media links?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association Linkedin page Indiana Soccer Coaches Association Twitter page
Is Indiana Soccer Coaches Association a public company?
Indiana Soccer Coaches Association is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Indiana Soccer Coaches Association

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