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Hevrat Pinto

Organizations · New York, United States · <25 Employees

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8 Morris Rd, Spring Valley, New York, 10977, Un...

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(845) 426-1276


<$5 Million


Religious Organizations Organizations

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Who is Hevrat Pinto

Hevrat Pinto 32, rue du Plateau 75019 Paris - FRANCE Tél. : +331 42 08 25 40 Fax : +331 42 06 00 33 © 2015 Webmaster : Hanania Soussan "Moshe assembled the entire assembly of the Children of IsraelOn six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem" (Shemot 35:1-2) Our Sages explain the reason for preceding the section concerning Mishkan with the command about Shabbat. But there is an additional point we will try to clarify. Why were these two commands put together and said at the same time? There is obviously some deep, internal connection between Shabbat and the Mishkan. Nous questionnons au sujet des Halahot relatives à Pessah 30 jours avant la fte. Il écrit dans la Torah : « Durant 6 jours tu consommeras des Matsot et le 7me jour sera un évnement pour Hachem ton D Tu ne feras aucun travailTu te réjouiras devant Hachem ton D., toi, ton fils, ta fille, ton serviteur, ta servante, ainsi que le Levi qui habite parmi toi, et létranRead more
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Alexander Lapidot

Rabbi, Rabbeinu Moshe Ben

Raphael Rabinovitch




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hevrat Pinto

Where is Hevrat Pinto located?
Hevrat Pinto's headquarters are located at 8 Morris Rd, Spring Valley, New York, 10977, United States
What is Hevrat Pinto's phone number?
Hevrat Pinto's phone number is (845) 426-1276
What is Hevrat Pinto's official website?
Hevrat Pinto's official website is www.hevratpinto.org
What is Hevrat Pinto's Revenue?
Hevrat Pinto's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Hevrat Pinto's SIC code?
Hevrat Pinto's SIC: 86,866
What is Hevrat Pinto's NAICS code?
Hevrat Pinto's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Hevrat Pinto have?
Hevrat Pinto has <25 employees
What industry does Hevrat Pinto belong to?
Hevrat Pinto is in the industry of: Religious Organizations, Organizations
What is Hevrat Pinto competition?
Hevrat Pinto top competitors include: Visuel & Développement, Mission Vulcain, Tabernacle Chrétien de Lubumbashi, Maison de la famille de Senneterre
What technology does Hevrat Pinto use?
Some of the popular technologies that Hevrat Pinto uses are: YouTube, Google Analytics, PayPal
How do I contact Hevrat Pinto?
Hevrat Pinto contact info: Phone number: (845) 426-1276 Website: www.hevratpinto.org
What does Hevrat Pinto do?

Hevrat Pinto 32, rue du Plateau 75019 Paris - FRANCE Tél. : +331 42 08 25 40 Fax : +331 42 06 00 33 © 2015 Webmaster : Hanania Soussan "Moshe assembled the entire assembly of the Children of IsraelOn six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem" (Shemot 35:1-2) Our Sages explain the reason... for preceding the section concerning Mishkan with the command about Shabbat. But there is an additional point we will try to clarify. Why were these two commands put together and said at the same time? There is obviously some deep, internal connection between Shabbat and the Mishkan. Nous questionnons au sujet des Halahot relatives à Pessah 30 jours avant la fte. Il écrit dans la Torah : « Durant 6 jours tu consommeras des Matsot et le 7me jour sera un évnement pour Hachem ton D Tu ne feras aucun travailTu te réjouiras devant Hachem ton D., toi, ton fils, ta fille, ton serviteur, ta servante, ainsi que le Levi qui habite parmi toi, et létranger ainsi que lorphelin et la veuve qui sont au milieu de toi, à lendroit quHachem ton D. choisira pour y faire résider son Nom. ... « Moché convoqua toute la communauté des enfants dIsral (). Pendant six jours on travaillera, mais au septime, vous aurez une solennité sainte, un chmage absolu en lhonneur de lEternel. (Chémot 35, 1-2) Nos Matres ont expliqué pourquoi lordre de respecter le Chabbat précde celui dédifier le tabernacle. Cependant, un autre point doit tre éclairci : pourquoi ces deux commandements ont-ils été donnés lors du mme rassemblement ? Quel est leur lien ?...Read More

Is Hevrat Pinto a public company?
Hevrat Pinto is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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