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Manufacturing · Spain · 23,505 Employees

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152 Avinguda De La Generalitat Sant Cugat Del V...

Phone Number

+34 935712200


$7.6 Billion

Stock Symbol



Pharmaceuticals Healthcare

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Sep 10 2024
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Sep 9 2024
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Grifols has more open roles in Application Development than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
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Who is Grifols

Grifols is becoming increasingly global. A diverse team will remain a key component to our future success. Do you want to know more about one of th e leading healthcare companies? Here you will find all the information about Grifols and our commitment to improving the health and well-being of people around world. We are a global healthcare company founded in Barcelona, Spain. Since 1940, we have been committed to improving the health and well-being of people around the world. We are an industry leader in producing plasma-derived medicines for patients around the world. Our business is organized into four divisions: Bioscience, Diagnostic, Hospital and Bio Supplies. We sell our products and services in more than 100 countries and have subsidiaries in 30. We aim to be a global leader in our markets and an industry reference for quality, safety and innovation. Grifols' history of growth demonstrates its capacity to evolve and make a positive impact on society. We take great pride in our ethical approach and work diligently to ensure the safety of our products." At Grifols, we think and act with a long-term, sustainable and responsible perspective at every stage of the value chain. We place donors and patients at the heart of our activities to improve people's well-being."Read more

Grifols's Social MediaPopular SearchesGrifols International SAGrifols SAGrifolsBiomat USAGrifols IncSIC Code 28,283NAICS Code 32,325Ticker NASDAQ: GRFSShow more

Grifols Org Chart

Lluis Florido

Global Chief Technology Officer & Director, I...

Katherine Engstrom

President, Biotest



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Víctor Grifols Roura

Víctor Grifols Roura

CEO at Grifols

Bottom 40%

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Olivier Brandicourt

Olivier Brandicourt

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CEO management style
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Olivier Brandicourt

Olivier Brandico...

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Paul Perreault


Grifols Email Formats

Grifols uses at least 5 email formats with first.last (ex. John.Smith@grifols.com) being used 51% of the time

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Grifols Employee Growth Rate

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Grifols Tech Stack

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Most Recent Scoops

Sep 10 2024
Open Position
Sep 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Sep 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Grifols has more open roles in Application Development than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
Aug 26 2024
Hiring Plans
Grifols has more open roles in Operations than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
Aug 9 2024
Hiring Plans
Grifols has more open roles in Research & Development than it has had at any time in the past 12 months.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Grifols

Where is Grifols located?
Grifols's headquarters are located at 152 Avinguda De La Generalitat Sant Cugat Del Valles, Sant Cugat del Valles, Catalonia, 08174, Spain
What is Grifols's phone number?
Grifols's phone number is +34 935712200
What is Grifols's stock symbol?
Grifols's stock symbol is GRFS
What is Grifols's official website?
Grifols's official website is www.grifols.com
What is Grifols's Revenue?
Grifols's revenue is $7.6 Billion
What is Grifols's SIC code?
Grifols's SIC: 28,283
What is Grifols's NAICS code?
Grifols's NAICS: 32,325
How many employees does Grifols have?
Grifols has 23,505 employees
What industry does Grifols belong to?
Grifols is in the industry of: Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare
What is Grifols competition?
Grifols top competitors include: Baxter International, CSL, Biogen, Amgen
What companies has Grifols acquired?
Grifols has acquired the companies: talecris.com, GigaGen
What technology does Grifols use?
Some of the popular technologies that Grifols uses are: Gupy, Investis Digital Cloud Websites, Zingfit, DocuSign
Who is the CTO of Grifols?
Grifols's CTO is Lluis Florido
How do I contact Grifols?
Grifols contact info: Phone number: +34 935712200 Website: www.grifols.com
What does Grifols do?

Grifols is becoming increasingly global. A diverse team will remain a key component to our future success. Do you want to know more about one of the leading healthcare companies? Here you will find all the information about Grifols and our commitment to improving the health and well-being of people around world. We are a global healthcare company f... ounded in Barcelona, Spain. Since 1940, we have been committed to improving the health and well-being of people around the world. We are an industry leader in producing plasma-derived medicines for patients around the world. Our business is organized into four divisions: Bioscience, Diagnostic, Hospital and Bio Supplies. We sell our products and services in more than 100 countries and have subsidiaries in 30. We aim to be a global leader in our markets and an industry reference for quality, safety and innovation. Grifols' history of growth demonstrates its capacity to evolve and make a positive impact on society. We take great pride in our ethical approach and work diligently to ensure the safety of our products." At Grifols, we think and act with a long-term, sustainable and responsible perspective at every stage of the value chain. We place donors and patients at the heart of our activities to improve people's well-being."Read More

What are Grifols social media links?
Grifols Linkedin page Grifols Twitter page Grifols Facebook page
Is Grifols a public company?
Yes, Grifols is a public company and is traded under the symbol GRFS
See more information about Grifols

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