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Franklin Baptist Church

Organizations · Ohio, United States · <25 Employees

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PO Box 303, Franklin, Ohio, 45005, United State...

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(937) 746-0972


<$5 Million


Organizations General Organizations

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Who is Franklin Baptist Church

The Franklin Baptist Church has set a theme for 2009 to help redirect our focus as Christians:'Living in Anticipation of Christ's Coming' must be more than an idea, but a way of life for Christians today. s we look at the changing world around us, we cannot help but to recognize that prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime!Although God's Word is clear that "ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh" we do know that we are to be watching and waiting for His eminent return (Matthew 25:13). As we 'Live in Anticipation' in 2009, we will be maintaining our focus by examining what this means for us on a personal basis. ach month we will be looking at a different facet what it means to live in this manner. e know that for God's Word to change us, its truths must be accepted, applied and acted upon!'Living in Anticipation' must be something that brings dedication, determination, and even transformation to our lives. s we look in faith to Christ's coming we must begin to prepare for His arrival. he Bible even tells us to "love His appearing" (II Timothy 4:8). It was the Apostle John who was given a 'Revelation' concerning the end times, and he was extremely adamant about Christ's promise to return. n the last chapter of our Bibles, John recorded Jesus' promise for us three times:"I come quickly" Jesus said in Revelation 22:7, 12, & 20. his is Christ's promise to us today, "I come quickly!"John follows this promise with his own prayer request: "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20). et's make that our prayer request as we 'Live in Anticipation of Christ's Return' in 2009.Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Franklin Baptist Church

Where is Franklin Baptist Church located?
Franklin Baptist Church's headquarters are located at PO Box 303, Franklin, Ohio, 45005, United States
What is Franklin Baptist Church's phone number?
Franklin Baptist Church's phone number is (937) 746-0972
What is Franklin Baptist Church's official website?
Franklin Baptist Church's official website is www.franklinbaptistchurch.com
What is Franklin Baptist Church's Revenue?
Franklin Baptist Church's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Franklin Baptist Church's SIC code?
Franklin Baptist Church's SIC: 86,866
What is Franklin Baptist Church's NAICS code?
Franklin Baptist Church's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Franklin Baptist Church have?
Franklin Baptist Church has <25 employees
What industry does Franklin Baptist Church belong to?
Franklin Baptist Church is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is Franklin Baptist Church competition?
Franklin Baptist Church top competitors include: Western Branch, Hampstead Baptist Church, First Baptist Campobello, Friendship Bible Church
What technology does Franklin Baptist Church use?
Some of the popular technologies that Franklin Baptist Church uses are: Wix, Varnish
How do I contact Franklin Baptist Church?
Franklin Baptist Church contact info: Phone number: (937) 746-0972 Website: www.franklinbaptistchurch.com
What does Franklin Baptist Church do?

The Franklin Baptist Church has set a theme for 2009 to help redirect our focus as Christians:'Living in Anticipation of Christ's Coming' must be more than an idea, but a way of life for Christians today. s we look at the changing world around us, we cannot help but to recognize that prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime!Although God's Word i... s clear that "ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh" we do know that we are to be watching and waiting for His eminent return (Matthew 25:13). As we 'Live in Anticipation' in 2009, we will be maintaining our focus by examining what this means for us on a personal basis. ach month we will be looking at a different facet what it means to live in this manner. e know that for God's Word to change us, its truths must be accepted, applied and acted upon!'Living in Anticipation' must be something that brings dedication, determination, and even transformation to our lives. s we look in faith to Christ's coming we must begin to prepare for His arrival. he Bible even tells us to "love His appearing" (II Timothy 4:8). It was the Apostle John who was given a 'Revelation' concerning the end times, and he was extremely adamant about Christ's promise to return. n the last chapter of our Bibles, John recorded Jesus' promise for us three times:"I come quickly" Jesus said in Revelation 22:7, 12, & 20. his is Christ's promise to us today, "I come quickly!"John follows this promise with his own prayer request: "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20). et's make that our prayer request as we 'Live in Anticipation of Christ's Return' in 2009.Read More

What are Franklin Baptist Church social media links?
Franklin Baptist Church Facebook page
Is Franklin Baptist Church a public company?
Franklin Baptist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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