Electricity, Oil & Gas · Canada · 2,600 Employees
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Who is FortisBC
FortisBC is a Canadian owned, British Columbia based regulated utility focused on providing safe and reliable energy, including natural gas, Renewa ble Natural Gas, electricity and propane. FortisBC has approximately 2,600 employees serving more than 1.2 million customers in 135 B.C. communities and 58 First Nations communities across 150 Traditional Territories. Two separate utilities do business as FortisBC one focusing on the provision of electricity in the province's Southern Interior and the other on gas distribution throughout the province currently delivering natural gas, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) and propane. The electricity utility (FortisBC Inc.) serves close to 185,000 customers both directly in communities such as Kelowna, Osoyoos, Trail, Castlegar, Princeton and Rossland and indirectly through the wholesale supply in the communities of Summerland, Penticton, Grand Forks, and Nelson. The company owns and operates approximately 7,300 kilometres of transmission and distribution power lines. The gas utility (FortisBC Energy Inc.) serves more than 1,054,000 gas customers across British Columbia. FortisBC owns and operates approximately 50,500 kilometres of gas transmission and distribution pipelines. The company works with local farms, landfills, green energy companies and municipalities to capture and purify methane from organic waste, which would otherwise escape into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas (GHG), to create Renewable Natural Gas, a carbon-neutral alternative to natural gas. FortisBC owns and operates two liquefied natural gas storage facilities and four regulated hydroelectric generating plants. FortisBC is indirectly, wholly owned by Fortis Inc., a leader in the North American regulated electric and gas utility industry. FortisBC Inc. and FortisBC Energy Inc. use the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. The British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) regulates both the gas and electricity utilities. Natural gas rates are reviewed every quarter and electricity rates ...Read more
Popular SearchesFortisbc IncFortisBCFortisbc Energy IncFortisBC Holdings IncFortis BcSIC Code 49,492NAICS Code 22,221Show moreFortisBC Org Chart
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FortisBC Inc. joins General Fusion's Market Development Advisory Committee to examine potential for fusion energy deployment
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding FortisBC
FortisBC is a Canadian owned, British Columbia based regulated utility focused on providing safe and reliable energy, including natural gas, Renewable Natural Gas, electricity and propane. FortisBC has approximately 2,600 employees serving more than 1.2 million customers in 135 B.C. communities and 58 First Nations communities across 150 Traditiona... Read More