East Penn Manufacturing
Manufacturing · Pennsylvania, United States · 10,000 Employees
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Deka Rd, Lyon Station, Pennsylvania, 19536, Uni...Phone Number
(610) 682-6361Revenue
$2.7 BillionIndustry
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East Penn Manufacturing uses at least 5 email formats with first initials + last (ex. JSmith@dekabatteries.com) being used 77.3% of the time
East Penn Manufacturing Email Formats | Percentage | |
first initials + last | JSmith@dekabatteries.com | 77.3% |
first initials + last | JSmith@eastpenn-deka.com | 6.8% |
first.last | John.Smith@dekabatteries.com | |
first + last | JohnSmith@dekabatteries.com | |
first_last | John_Smith@dekabatteries.com |
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East Penn Manufacturing Launches Power2Recycle Campaign
East Penn Manufacturing is excited to announce the launch of a unique environmental campaign, Power2Recycle. LYON STATION, Pa., Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- East Penn Manufacturing is excited to announce the launch of a unique environmental campaign, Power2Recycle. This campaign...East Penn Receives the World's Highest UL Recycled Content Validation for Batteries
East Penn is pleased to announce that the company's full line of Transportation batteries has been validated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for an allocation of 98% recycled material, the highest UL Recycled Content Validation for batteries in the world. LYON STATION, Pa., Dec. 6, 2023...East Penn Releases New Battery Branding for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
East Penn Manufacturing has announced a new distinction in its line of 12-volt AGM batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles. LYON STATION, Pa., Nov. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- East Penn Manufacturing has announced a new distinction in its line of 12-volt AGM batteries. This new...East Penn Manufacturing Recognized for Sustainability by John Deere
East Penn has been recognized by John Deere with the prestigious 2023 Supplier Sustainability Award. (PRWeb June 07, 2023) Read the full story at https://www.prweb.com/releases/2023/6/prweb19369918.htm
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding East Penn Manufacturing
East Penn, founded in 1946 and headquartered in Lyon Station, Pennsylvania, is a manufacturer of high quality lead-acid batteries and accessories for the automotive, commercial, marine, motive power, UPS and telecommunication markets.... Read More