Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club
Hospitality · Nevada, United States · 29 Employees
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900 S Valley View Blvd Ste 175, Las Vegas, Neva...Phone Number
(702) 258-0279Website
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club
Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club (DLVSC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides one of Nevada's most comprehensive, in-depth approaches to youth soccer providing opportunities for players three-years-old to professional, from beginner to advanced. DLVSC provides all children, at all levels, opportunities to enjoy and grow in the game of soccer. Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club provides beginner to advanced level tournaments, high-level international events, camps and clinics in the summer and winter as well as college preparation assistance. In addition to the youth programs provided by DLVSC, our financial assistance program serves local Las Vegas youth. The financial assistance program has been developed to provide opportunity and support to players that wish to play on a competitive level but where economic constraints prevent a clear path forward. Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club diligently works to create a competitive training environment built on the blocks of educational qualities aimed at fostering fun, enjoyment and to cultivate a broad spectrum of skills needed for a healthy lifestyle in the journey of the future.Read more
Popular SearchesDowntown Las Vegas Soccer ClubDowntown soccer clubDowntown LVSCDowntown Las Vegas SoccerThe National Junior College Athletic AssociationSIC Code 79,794NAICS Code 71,711Show moreDowntown Las Vegas Soccer Club Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club
Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club (DLVSC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides one of Nevada's most comprehensive, in-depth approaches to youth soccer providing opportunities for players three-years-old to professional, from beginner to advanced. DLVSC provides all children, at all levels, opportunities to enjoy and grow in the game of so... Read More