Corowa Baptist Church
Organizations · Australia · <25 Employees
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77 Tower St, Corowa, New South Wales, 2646, Aus...Phone Number
+61 260332468Website
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Who is Corowa Baptist Church
From a church plant in the late 1980s, God has grown our family in size, love and knowledge of Jesus. Corowa Baptist Church began as Corowa Baptist Fellowship conducting its first meeting at the Corowa CWA Hall on Sunday evening, 5th April, 1987. Goombargana Baptist church initiated the establishment of the fellowship. In October 1994 land was purchased at 77 Tower Street for the building of a manse and church facilities. On the 26th August 1995 Corowa Baptist Fellowship was officially designated Corowa Baptist Church by the Baptist Union of NSW & Act. The church manse was opened on the 21st October 1995 and the church building less than three years later on 2nd May 1998. Both buildings were erected with the assistance of Mobile Mission Maintenance. During these years our church has welcomed many people, both old and young, families and singles. With both a senior pastor Mark Francis and youth pastor Travis Barnes in the later years, we have grown by Gods grace to be a church that seeks to serve our community and to make the gospel known to our church family and beyond. After farewelling our loved Pastor, Mark Francis, we begun a process of finding another pastor to lead our church. We welcomed Pastor David Biddle with Bec and their children in 2015. In 2016, Nick and Jane Taylor lead a transition of a community group under their leadership into a church plant in Rutherglen and appointed as Pastor of Vine Church. We welcomed a second pastor to help in the next stage of our church life. Noah Little began as Associate Pastor for Youth in 2017. 2020 The Biddle family feel a call to ministry in Cairns and transition into this new season of ministry. As a church, we are in the process of discerning what God has next for us. Noah Little is currently interim Lead Pastor. Noah joined the team at Corowa Baptist in early 2017, and is passionate about the gospel, young people, and church revitalisation. He loves kayaking, exploring national parks and good coffee. He is currently Interim Lead Pastor.Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Corowa Baptist Church
From a church plant in the late 1980s, God has grown our family in size, love and knowledge of Jesus. Corowa Baptist Church began as Corowa Baptist Fellowship conducting its first meeting at the Corowa CWA Hall on Sunday evening, 5th April, 1987. Goombargana Baptist church initiated the establishment of the fellowship. In October 1994 land was purc... Read More