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Clarksville Region Historical Society

Cultural & Informational Centers · California, United States · <25 Employees

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3941 Park Dr, El Dorado Hills, California, 9576...

Phone Number

(530) 677-3039


<$5 Million


Museums & Art Galleries Cultural

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Who is Clarksville Region Historical Society

The Clarksville Region Historical Society (CRHS) was organized in 2006 by a group of citizens in the Clarksville area, now known as El Dorado Hills , California. CRHS was incorporated as a California nonprofit public benefit corporation on September 7, 2006, with California corporate number 2927584. The Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) of CRHS is 16-1770435. The primary objectives and purposes of CRHS are: (1) To identify and preserve documents, artifacts, records, and other objects of historical interest related to historic Clarksville and the surrounding region for its residents and the public; (2) To educate the public and increase public awareness of the historical significance of historic Clarksville and the surrounding region: (3) To enlist public support for the historical preservation and display of documents, artifacts, records, and other objects of historical interest related to historic Clarksville and the surrounding region. CRHS has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be a public charity exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the CRHS are therefore deductible to the extent allowed by law. CRHS suggests that you consult with your tax advisor if you have any questions about your ability to deduct contributions to CRHS on your tax return.Read more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Clarksville Region Historical Society

Where is Clarksville Region Historical Society located?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's headquarters are located at 3941 Park Dr, El Dorado Hills, California, 95762, United States
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society's phone number?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's phone number is (530) 677-3039
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society's official website?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's official website is www.edhhistory.org
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society's Revenue?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society's SIC code?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's SIC: 84,841
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society's NAICS code?
Clarksville Region Historical Society's NAICS: 71,712
How many employees does Clarksville Region Historical Society have?
Clarksville Region Historical Society has <25 employees
What industry does Clarksville Region Historical Society belong to?
Clarksville Region Historical Society is in the industry of: Museums & Art Galleries, Cultural
What is Clarksville Region Historical Society competition?
Clarksville Region Historical Society top competitors include: The St Vrain Historical Society, Oklahoma City County Historical Society, Truckee-Donner Historical Society, Yolo County Historical Society
What technology does Clarksville Region Historical Society use?
Some of the popular technologies that Clarksville Region Historical Society uses are: BlueHost
How do I contact Clarksville Region Historical Society?
Clarksville Region Historical Society contact info: Phone number: (530) 677-3039 Website: www.edhhistory.org
What does Clarksville Region Historical Society do?

The Clarksville Region Historical Society (CRHS) was organized in 2006 by a group of citizens in the Clarksville area, now known as El Dorado Hills, California. CRHS was incorporated as a California nonprofit public benefit corporation on September 7, 2006, with California corporate number 2927584. The Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) of CRH... S is 16-1770435. The primary objectives and purposes of CRHS are: (1) To identify and preserve documents, artifacts, records, and other objects of historical interest related to historic Clarksville and the surrounding region for its residents and the public; (2) To educate the public and increase public awareness of the historical significance of historic Clarksville and the surrounding region: (3) To enlist public support for the historical preservation and display of documents, artifacts, records, and other objects of historical interest related to historic Clarksville and the surrounding region. CRHS has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be a public charity exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the CRHS are therefore deductible to the extent allowed by law. CRHS suggests that you consult with your tax advisor if you have any questions about your ability to deduct contributions to CRHS on your tax return.Read More

What are Clarksville Region Historical Society social media links?
Clarksville Region Historical Society Linkedin page Clarksville Region Historical Society Facebook page
Is Clarksville Region Historical Society a public company?
Clarksville Region Historical Society is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Clarksville Region Historical Society

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