Claire Elizabeth Gallery
Flowers, Gifts & Specialty Stores · Louisiana, United States · <25 Employees
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131 Decatur St, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130, ...Phone Number
(504) 309-4063Revenue
<$5 MillionIndustry
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Who is Claire Elizabeth Gallery
Claire Elizabeth Gallery represents emerging and mid-career Southern artists providing a variety of original works of contemporary art to enhance p rivate and public collections. Claire Thriffiley showed an interest in fine art from a young age. Under the tutelage of her cousin, Amy Palmer, a gifted visual artist and art teacher, Thriffiley began exploring the canon of art history beginning with the historical and transitioning into contemporary. She developed a fascination with artists, the creative process and visual manifestations of society and culture. Prior to establishing the Claire Elizabeth Gallery, Thriffiley worked in the Consignments Department of Neal Auction Company. Previously, Thriffiley had worked as an insurance broker specializing in fine art insurance for private collections, galleries and museums at DeWitt Stern Group and Marsh & McLennan Companies in New York. Thriffiley also served as the graduate intern for the Worldwide Fine Art Director of Chubb Insurance, New York, as an auction preview and exhibition staff member at Bonhams, New York, and as the graduate intern in the Marketing and Communications Department at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Thriffiley attended The American Business School in Paris and the College of Charleston, where she graduated with a degree in International Business and double minors in Art History and French. In 2010, Thriffiley graduated with academic distinction from Sothebys Institute of Art in New York and received a M.A. in Arts Business. Her masters thesis, which was titled The Value of Arts in Local Communities: A Case Study of New Orleans, LA, focused on the emerging art scene and influence of the creative sector on the social and economic development of the city post-Hurricane Katrina. Locally, Thriffiley spends her free time volunteering with the art program at Childrens Hospital. She is the founder of Amys Art Cart , a fundraiser for the specialized, titanium grade medical cart covered into art & activity mobile unit filled with coloring books, ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Claire Elizabeth Gallery
Claire Elizabeth Gallery represents emerging and mid-career Southern artists providing a variety of original works of contemporary art to enhance private and public collections. Claire Thriffiley showed an interest in fine art from a young age. Under the tutelage of her cousin, Amy Palmer, a gifted visual artist and art teacher, Thriffiley began ex... Read More