Children's of Alabama
Hospitals & Physicians Clinics · Alabama, United States · 5,277 Employees
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1600 7th Ave S, Birmingham, Alabama, 35233, Uni...Phone Number
(205) 638-9100Website
$774.7 MillionIndustry
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Who is Children's of Alabama
Founded in 1911 and headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, Children's of Alabama is a nonprofit healthcare facility that specializes in services for children with cardiomyopathy.Read more
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Children's of Alabama News & Media
UADM raises more than $201,000 for Children's of Alabama - WBRC
The University of Alabama Dance Marathon has raised over $2 million in their 12-year history.BAMAthon raises over $200,000 for Children's of Alabama - The Crimson White
The University of Alabama Dance Marathon hosted BAMAthon on Saturday to celebrate raising $252,001.22 for Children’s of Alabama.From Small Businesses to COVID-19 Antibody Testing: Hearst Foundations Announce 72 Spring Grants Totaling $8,460,000
The Hearst Foundations awarded 72 grants totaling $8,460,000 to nonprofits around the country in its most recent round of grants in March 2021. Grants ranged from assistance for small businesses and theaters to research on COVID-19 antibody testing to support for local food banks. On March 1, in addition to the spring grants, the Foundations provided $2,475,000 in emergency response to Texas nonprofits in the wake of the Texas winter storm. The Hearst Foundations serve as aChildren's of Alabama CEO Mike Warren sets retirement, successor named - News Break
Mike Warren, president and CEO of Children’s of Alabama, is retiring from his position, effective June 1. Warren, who has been CEO of the hospital since January 2008, will be succeeded by Tom Shufflebarger, who currently is chief operating officer and senior executive vice president. “Under Mike’s leadership, Children’s has...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Children's of Alabama
Founded in 1911 and headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, Children's of Alabama is a nonprofit healthcare facility that specializes in services for children with cardiomyopathy.... Read More