Children's Mercy Kansas City
Hospitals & Physicians Clinics · Missouri, United States · 8,821 Employees
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Kansas City, Missouri, 64108, United StatesPhone Number
(816) 234-3000Website
$1.3 BillionIndustry
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Who is Children's Mercy Kansas City
Children's Mercy Hospital was founded in 1897, is a comprehensive pediatric medical center in Kansas City, Missouri that integrates clinical care, research and medical education to provide care for patients ages birth to 21.Read more
Popular SearchesChildren's Mercy Kansas CityThe Children's Mercy HospitalChildren's Mercy HospitalChildrens Mercy HospitalChildren's MercySIC Code 80,806NAICS Code 62,622Show moreChildren's Mercy Kansas City Org Chart
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Children's Mercy Kansas City uses at least 5 email formats with first initials + middle initials + last (ex. being used 53.9% of the time
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first initials + middle initials + last | | 53.9% |
first initials + last | | 28.8% |
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first initials + last | | 0.4% |
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Children's Mercy Kansas City News & Media
Children's Mercy president & CEO announces upcoming retirement -
Paul Kempinski, Children's Mercy Kansas City CEO and President announced his plans to retire after more than 40 years in healthcare leadership.Paul Kempinski, MS, FACHE to Retire as President & CEO of Children’s Mercy Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Paul Kempinski, MS, FACHE to retire as President & CEO of Children’s Mercy Kansas CityChildren's Mercy Kansas City and Geneyx Inc. Announce Collaboration to Advance Genomic Research and Analysis
KANSAS CITY, Mo. and WILMINGTON, Del., March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Children's Mercy Kansas City, one of the leading independent pediatric health organizations, and Geneyx Inc. are pleased to announce a collaboration aimed at advancing genomic research and analysis. This collaboration...Children's Mercy CEO considers how Covid-19, $200M building have changed hospital's trajectory
When Paul Kempinski became CEO of Children ‘s Mercy at the end of 2018, he and his team laid out a strategic plan that would take the Children’s Mercy mission and its operations into the future. What he didn't account for was the Covid-19 pandemic. (Source: Health Care:Pharmaceuticals headlines) MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. 100% free.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Children's Mercy Kansas City
Children's Mercy Hospital was founded in 1897, is a comprehensive pediatric medical center in Kansas City, Missouri that integrates clinical care, research and medical education to provide care for patients ages birth to 21.... Read More