Cavitak Marketing P
Business Services · India · 384 Employees
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9 Vitthalbhai Patel Colony Opp. Lakhudi, Navjiv...Phone Number
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$7.2 MillionIndustry
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Who is Cavitak Marketing P
At Cavitak, we offer various technology products, with a wide range of communication systems, software solutions and development of IoT products, f or individuals and corporates. With a strong and dedicated team, we are committed to deliver a perfect solution for your specific requirements, ensuring optimal quality in product and service. We emphasise on partnering with our clients, and maintaining their trust through service excellence and customer relationship. During our journey of more than 30 years, we have successfully connected with several clients, making continuous efforts to include more and more contemporary products to our portfolio.Read more
Popular SearchesCavitak Marketing P LtdCavitakCavitak Marketing Pvt LtdCavitak MarketingCavitak EnterpriseSIC Code 87,874NAICS Code 54,541Show moreCavitak Marketing P Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cavitak Marketing P
At Cavitak, we offer various technology products, with a wide range of communication systems, software solutions and development of IoT products, for individuals and corporates. With a strong and dedicated team, we are committed to deliver a perfect solution for your specific requirements, ensuring optimal quality in product and service. We emphasi... Read More