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Who is CASADOR Realty
Casador Realty is a dynamic real estate company inspired by its ultimate goal of providing excellent representation to sellers and buyers of outsta nding and high quality real properties in the Philippines. In achieving such a goal, Casador Realty strives to provide an extensive database of high-end residential and commercial properties. It employs a unique and specialized "one-on-one" approach in consummating transactions alongside its expertise in property selection to meet its client's requirements. A brilliant combination of corporate work experience as well as an extensive network of contacts is vital to achieve this goal. Established in 2002, the company is headed by Ms. Sandie Castro-Poblador, formerly an investment and private banker with Citibank, N.A and Bank of America and daughter of the late Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred Ruiz Castro. She is married to Manuel Poblador, whose Poblador Azada, Bucoy and Associates is the leading and oldest firm in the practice of legal services relating to trademarks, patents and intellectual property and whose precursor firm traces back to the 1930's when it was established as a general law practice firm by the late Senate President Quintin Paredes, Justice Felipe Buencamino and industrialist Jose Yulo, merging with the intellectual property practice of Charles T. Balcoff and Julian Wolfson in 1951 and 1960. It has offices in the Philippines, Canada, and Cambodia and clientele in over 36 countries.Read more
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Casador Realty is a dynamic real estate company inspired by its ultimate goal of providing excellent representation to sellers and buyers of outstanding and high quality real properties in the Philippines. In achieving such a goal, Casador Realty strives to provide an extensive database of high-end residential and commercial properties. It employs... Read More