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Canberra Chinese Methodist Church

Organizations · Australia · <25 Employees

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128-132 George Town Rd, Newnham, Tasmania, 7248...

Phone Number

+61 363344399


<$5 Million


Organizations General Organizations

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Who is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church

The Canberra Chinese Methodist Church is one of the branches of the Chinese Methodist Church in Australia (CMCA) based in Melbourne. The MethodistDenomination was principally established by John Wesley (1703 - 1791), which advocates living a holy life and focuses on the promotion of social conduct. It also emphasizes preaching the Gospel to the general public. Ourchurch p astor is Lifang Zhou and the church congregation is mainly from China and most of them are university students. Our church members are serving together in Jesus Christ and being obedient to each other to preach the Word of God to local Chinese communities. We are also doing our utmost to make our church a blessing to non-believers and believers beyond artificial borders by spreading the Word of God in the cyberspace. As the Chinese people will shoulder the mission of preaching the gospel back to Jerusalem, our ultimate vision is to lead the multitude to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Again, welcome to the family of God and welcome to worship the lord with us.Read more
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's Social MediaPopular SearchesCanberra Chinese Methodist ChurchCarlton Methodist ChurchCamberwell Methodist ChurchChinese Methodist ChurchChinese Methodist Church of SydneySIC Code 86,866NAICS Code 81,813Show more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Canberra Chinese Methodist Church

Where is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church located?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's headquarters are located at 128-132 George Town Rd, Newnham, Tasmania, 7248, Australia
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's phone number?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's phone number is +61 363344399
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's official website?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's official website is www.ccmchurch.com.au
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's Revenue?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's SIC code?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's SIC: 86,866
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's NAICS code?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Canberra Chinese Methodist Church have?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church has <25 employees
What industry does Canberra Chinese Methodist Church belong to?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church competition?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church top competitors include: 0426 984 777, Logan Christian Fellowship, Abundant Grace Bible Church, Kingdom Reign Ministries
How do I contact Canberra Chinese Methodist Church?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church contact info: Phone number: +61 363344399 Website: www.ccmchurch.com.au
What does Canberra Chinese Methodist Church do?

The Canberra Chinese Methodist Church is one of the branches of the Chinese Methodist Church in Australia (CMCA) based in Melbourne. The Methodist Denomination was principally established by John Wesley (1703 - 1791), which advocates living a holy life and focuses on the promotion of social conduct. It also emphasizes preaching the Gospel to the ge... neral public. Ourchurch p astor is Lifang Zhou and the church congregation is mainly from China and most of them are university students. Our church members are serving together in Jesus Christ and being obedient to each other to preach the Word of God to local Chinese communities. We are also doing our utmost to make our church a blessing to non-believers and believers beyond artificial borders by spreading the Word of God in the cyberspace. As the Chinese people will shoulder the mission of preaching the gospel back to Jerusalem, our ultimate vision is to lead the multitude to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Again, welcome to the family of God and welcome to worship the lord with us.Read More

What are Canberra Chinese Methodist Church social media links?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church Linkedin page Canberra Chinese Methodist Church Facebook page
Is Canberra Chinese Methodist Church a public company?
Canberra Chinese Methodist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Canberra Chinese Methodist Church

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