Sirkin Law, California Probate Attorney, Probate, Los Angeles Probate Lawyer Call our experienced and area specialist Los Angeles probate attorney who can counsel you about probate questions and the Ca probate process and intestate succession laws. Mina Sirkin handled the estate of my brother. This was most difficult since my brother lived in Venice California and I live in Yardley, Pennsylvania. From the out set Mina Sirkin provided me with all the information I needed to understand the legal aspects as well as my obligations. All matters throughout the probate process were handled very professionally, yet with care and concern for me the client. Most outstanding was the very efficient and effective way the legal problems and issues were handled, always with a very positive outcome for me the client. I am most appreciative that the entire probate process was handled without the need for me to make a trip to California. What particularly distinguishes the services I received from the Sirkin law firm was the expert advice I received in a timely manner on all the numerous related details that I needed to attend to settle the estate. They were honorable in all their dealings, and most importantly in their billing. I would certainly use the services of the Sirkin law firm in the future and have no hesitation in recommending their services to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Herb. S. I have known Mina Sirkin for seven years. Mina is a life long learner, who puts the time and effort into staying on top of current events for estate law. This type of approach is very important for navigating the current times we are in; massive volatility in finances with commensurate changes in estate valuations which is coupled with unknown estate tax laws driven by the recent changes in government. You need someone who can help you address this uncertainty, rather than use a business-as-usual approach." Brad W. Our Los Angeles probate attorney team can help you administer California Probate and Living Trust Estates in ...Read more
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