Cabramatta Anglican Church
Organizations · Australia · <25 Employees
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42 Cumberland St, Cabramatta, New South Wales, ...Phone Number
+61 297241630Website
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Who is Cabramatta Anglican Church
Our pastors would be glad to answer any questions you have about our church. We trace our roots back to 1915, when the rector of Smithfield Parish Rev. Fred Mullens borrowed a carpenters workshop to serve as a meeting place for Christians in Cabramatta. Our current Cumberland Street site was built by the owner of that workshop, a man named James Wylie. Named Cabramatta Soldiers Memorial Church of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we officially became Cabramatta Anglican Church in 2003, when our new church hall was constructed to cater for our burgeoning English and Chinese congregations. Over the years, weve attracted all sorts of refugees, university students and young adults. If you live in Cabramatta, we hope that youll make CAC your home.Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cabramatta Anglican Church
Our pastors would be glad to answer any questions you have about our church. We trace our roots back to 1915, when the rector of Smithfield Parish Rev. Fred Mullens borrowed a carpenters workshop to serve as a meeting place for Christians in Cabramatta. Our current Cumberland Street site was built by the owner of that workshop, a man named James Wy... Read More