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Bible Baptist Church

Organizations · Minnesota, United States · <25 Employees

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19700 Akin Rd, Farmington, Minnesota, 55024, Un...

Phone Number

(651) 460-6433


<$5 Million


Organizations General Organizations

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Who is Bible Baptist Church

Bible Baptist Church of Farmington, MN Pastor Judson came to Bible Baptist to serve as Assistant / Youth Pastor in the fall of 2005 and was calledto be Pastor in the fall of 2014. He and his wife have been ministering to teenagers for over 26 years. Pastor Judson and his wife Deanna and 3 children are currently living in the church parsonage. In August 1976, a Bible study was begun in Farmington as an outreach ministry of Berean Baptist Church of Brooklyn Park, MN. A year later Bible Baptist Church was established with 12 charter members. During its early years, as the congregation grew, the church occupied a number of different buildings. As a result of continued growth, in 1989 a building committee was formed to begin to plan for a new church home. In 1991, the church began to hold its Sunday services in the Farmington High School as it had outgrown its existing facility. God continued to bless the ministry and the raising of funds needed to undertake a building project. In 1993, the existing church property on Akin Road was purchased and a ground breaking ceremony was held in May of that year. In February 1994, the new Bible Baptist Church building was dedicated with much thanksgiving. In 2001, the lower level of the church was renovated to provide additional classroom space. As we have witnessed the recent explosion of growth in the Farmington community, we see that God has indeed provided us with fields ready for harvest. May God continue to bless Bible Baptist Church as we seek to reach people for Jesus Christ!Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bible Baptist Church

Where is Bible Baptist Church located?
Bible Baptist Church's headquarters are located at 19700 Akin Rd, Farmington, Minnesota, 55024, United States
What is Bible Baptist Church's phone number?
Bible Baptist Church's phone number is (651) 460-6433
What is Bible Baptist Church's official website?
Bible Baptist Church's official website is www.bbcfarmington.org
What is Bible Baptist Church's Revenue?
Bible Baptist Church's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Bible Baptist Church's SIC code?
Bible Baptist Church's SIC: 86,866
What is Bible Baptist Church's NAICS code?
Bible Baptist Church's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Bible Baptist Church have?
Bible Baptist Church has <25 employees
What industry does Bible Baptist Church belong to?
Bible Baptist Church is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is Bible Baptist Church competition?
Bible Baptist Church top competitors include: Indian Mission Baptist Church, First Baptist Church Caldwell, Kingdom Investment Ministry, Alameda Bible Church
What technology does Bible Baptist Church use?
Some of the popular technologies that Bible Baptist Church uses are: goo.gl, Google Cloud DNS, Google Cloud Platform, Google Font API
How do I contact Bible Baptist Church?
Bible Baptist Church contact info: Phone number: (651) 460-6433 Website: www.bbcfarmington.org
What does Bible Baptist Church do?

Bible Baptist Church of Farmington, MN Pastor Judson came to Bible Baptist to serve as Assistant / Youth Pastor in the fall of 2005 and was called to be Pastor in the fall of 2014. He and his wife have been ministering to teenagers for over 26 years. Pastor Judson and his wife Deanna and 3 children are currently living in the church parsonage. In A... ugust 1976, a Bible study was begun in Farmington as an outreach ministry of Berean Baptist Church of Brooklyn Park, MN. A year later Bible Baptist Church was established with 12 charter members. During its early years, as the congregation grew, the church occupied a number of different buildings. As a result of continued growth, in 1989 a building committee was formed to begin to plan for a new church home. In 1991, the church began to hold its Sunday services in the Farmington High School as it had outgrown its existing facility. God continued to bless the ministry and the raising of funds needed to undertake a building project. In 1993, the existing church property on Akin Road was purchased and a ground breaking ceremony was held in May of that year. In February 1994, the new Bible Baptist Church building was dedicated with much thanksgiving. In 2001, the lower level of the church was renovated to provide additional classroom space. As we have witnessed the recent explosion of growth in the Farmington community, we see that God has indeed provided us with fields ready for harvest. May God continue to bless Bible Baptist Church as we seek to reach people for Jesus Christ!Read More

Is Bible Baptist Church a public company?
Bible Baptist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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