Autopsy and Case Reports
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Who is Autopsy and Case Reports
Autopsy and Case Reports is an electronic journal edited by the Hospital Universitário of the University of São Paulo (HU USP). The journal is publ ished under the guidance of a Publication Commission and it has an Editorial Council to evaluate articles. Autopsy and Case Reports aims at publishing original scientific articles, clinical or experimental studies and case reports that will contribute to the development of clinical thinking skills, diagnostic methods, management, classification and treatment of diseases. Articles should be preferably related to academic autopsies and/or the clinical-pathologic-radiologic correlation, with excellent image documentation. The publication aims at disseminating information and scientific knowledge generated by professionals from HU USP and the external and international health community. Articles sent for publication should be original, and their simultaneous presentation in another periodical is not allowed. Autopsy and Case Reports will accept for publication articles written in Portuguese or English, and a presentation of a summary and abstract with no more than 250 words; and only the abstract for submissions in English. The only way to send articles is through the journal's website.Online submissions. Autopsy and Case Reports reserves the right to submit all the originals for appreciation by the Publication Commission and Editorial Council and forward them for evaluation by reviewers specialized in the theme approached. All articles will be assessed by Scientific Editors based on the opinions of two reviewers (peer review) Autopsy and CaseReports has full authority to decide on the acceptance of the article, and may also present them again to the authors with suggestions for the necessary changes in the text and/or to adapt the text to the editorial norms of the journal In this case, the referred article will be reassessed. Articles sent to authors for revision should return to the secretary of the journal Autopsy and Case Reports within a maximum of three days, ...Read more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Autopsy and Case Reports
Autopsy and Case Reports is an electronic journal edited by the Hospital Universitário of the University of São Paulo (HU USP). The journal is published under the guidance of a Publication Commission and it has an Editorial Council to evaluate articles. Autopsy and Case Reports aims at publishing original scientific articles, clinical or experiment... Read More