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Aurora Baptist Church

Organizations · Texas, United States · <25 Employees

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201 Derting Rd, Aurora, Texas, 76078, United St...

Phone Number

(817) 638-9000


<$5 Million


Organizations General Organizations

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Who is Aurora Baptist Church

The history of Aurora Baptist Church is colorful and exciting. As you see the hand of God moving in the lives of men and women of the past, you must join with the present congregation and say, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."! From the humble beginning in an old two room school house to facilities they now enjoy, God's people at Aurora Baptist Church have sought to lift up the name of Jesus Christ, preach and teach His gospel, win the lost to our blessed Lord and strengthen the faith of the believers. The Church began in 1930 as the Union Sunday School. People of various faiths met together in the old two-room Aurora Schoolhouse each Sunday afternoon to be taught Bible lessons. Taft Slimp helped in the organization and teaching duties of the Union Sunday School until April of 1931, when Dr. Loys Vess was asked to come and preach. Seven people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during his first service. After this special service Vess was asked if hRead more
Aurora Baptist Church's Social MediaPopular SearchesAurora Baptist ChurchAurora Baptist Church IncNew Hope Baptist ChurchAurora Baptist Church The SourceBaptist ChurchSIC Code 86,866NAICS Code 81,813Show more

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Jacob Withers

Children's Pastor and Graphic Designer and Vi...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Aurora Baptist Church

Where is Aurora Baptist Church located?
Aurora Baptist Church's headquarters are located at 201 Derting Rd, Aurora, Texas, 76078, United States
What is Aurora Baptist Church's phone number?
Aurora Baptist Church's phone number is (817) 638-9000
What is Aurora Baptist Church's official website?
Aurora Baptist Church's official website is www.aurorabaptistchurch.com
What is Aurora Baptist Church's Revenue?
Aurora Baptist Church's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Aurora Baptist Church's SIC code?
Aurora Baptist Church's SIC: 86,866
What is Aurora Baptist Church's NAICS code?
Aurora Baptist Church's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Aurora Baptist Church have?
Aurora Baptist Church has <25 employees
What industry does Aurora Baptist Church belong to?
Aurora Baptist Church is in the industry of: Organizations General, Organizations
What is Aurora Baptist Church competition?
Aurora Baptist Church top competitors include: Hickory Withe Baptist Church, Sacrifice of Praise Worship Center, Christ Community Church of Owensboro, Life Changers COGIC
What technology does Aurora Baptist Church use?
Some of the popular technologies that Aurora Baptist Church uses are: WordPress.org, PHP, Sentry, Raven.js
How do I contact Aurora Baptist Church?
Aurora Baptist Church contact info: Phone number: (817) 638-9000 Website: www.aurorabaptistchurch.com
What does Aurora Baptist Church do?

The history of Aurora Baptist Church is colorful and exciting. As you see the hand of God moving in the lives of men and women of the past, you must join with the present congregation and say, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."! From the humble beginning in an old two room school house to facilities they now enjoy, God's people at Aurora... Baptist Church have sought to lift up the name of Jesus Christ, preach and teach His gospel, win the lost to our blessed Lord and strengthen the faith of the believers. The Church began in 1930 as the Union Sunday School. People of various faiths met together in the old two-room Aurora Schoolhouse each Sunday afternoon to be taught Bible lessons. Taft Slimp helped in the organization and teaching duties of the Union Sunday School until April of 1931, when Dr. Loys Vess was asked to come and preach. Seven people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during his first service. After this special service Vess was asked if he and Brother George Jackson could conduct a revival campaign. The services were held with many souls being saved. At the close of the Revival on May 21, 1931, the church was organized. On Sunday, May 31, 1931, the first baptism was held at the west fork of the Trinity River at the old Aurora and Boyd Bridge crossing. Dr. Vess became the Church's first pastor and remained for a number of years. Brother Taft Slimp remained in the Church helping with the Sunday school and administrative duties and surrendered to preach the same year. Later Taft Slimp accepted the call of the Church to become its pastor and served in that capacity two different times. Over the years the Church enjoyed the ministry of many of God's greatest servants. Currently, James D. Withers pastors the congregation and the church is seeing great growth. For over 82 years the church has grown and ministered in the community as well as around Wise County. Aurora Baptist Church is known by many as the "church on the hill". The location of the church is the same as ...Read More

What are Aurora Baptist Church social media links?
Aurora Baptist Church Linkedin page Aurora Baptist Church Twitter page Aurora Baptist Church Facebook page
Is Aurora Baptist Church a public company?
Aurora Baptist Church is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
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