Arizona Corporation Commission
Arizona, United States · 1,090 Employees
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1300 W Washington St Fl 3, Phoenix, Arizona, 85...Phone Number
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Who is Arizona Corporation Commission
The Arizona Corporation Commission has jurisdiction over the quality of service and rates charged by public service utilities. By state law, public service utilities are regulated monopolies given the opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable return on their investments. What is fair and reasonable in any particular case has been and always will be open to debate in rate hearings before the Commission. Generally, the Commission tries to balance the customers' interest in affordable and reliable utility service with the utility's interest in earning a fair profit. The Utilities Division makes specific recommendations to the Commissioners to assist them in reaching decisions regarding public utility rates, utility finance and quality of service. The Division is responsible for researching and developing utility issues, providing information and evidence in Commission proceedings dealing with utility applications, and monitoring the quality of utility service, and the rates approved by the Commissioners. Additionally, Division staff inspects gas pipelines for safety, operates a railroad safety program and maintains the official documents of proceedings before the Commission. All rate changes require approval of the Commission in an Open Meeting. Staff preparation for a major rate hearing begins at the time of utility's initial filing, and takes approximately four to six months before the hearing takes place. Work efforts between the time of filing and hearing include a review of past Commission actions, a review of documents on file with the Commission, an audit of the books and records of the utility, discussions with utility personnel and other interested parties, formulation of the staff recommendation, an analysis of the impacts of the recommendation, and preparation of written testimony and schedules.Read more
Popular SearchesArizona Corporation CommissionArizona CorpCorporation CommissionAz CorpCorporation Commission UtilitiesSIC Code 93,931NAICS Code 92,921Show moreArizona Corporation Commission Org Chart
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Arizona Corporation Commission
The Arizona Corporation Commission has jurisdiction over the quality of service and rates charged by public service utilities. By state law, public service utilities are regulated monopolies given the opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable return on their investments. What is fair and reasonable in any particular case has been and always will be... Read More