Business Services · Australia · <25 Employees
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Who is Appearition
Appearition was established with the vision to enable its customers' success by developing and deploying Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) software solutions across verticals. Over the years, Appearition has developed and constantly improved what it calls "Green Spot Process" for digital transformation projects, to deliver and obtain user acceptance of the proposed solutions. On a more technical front, a proprietary, cloud based platform, Enterprise Management System (EMS), has specifically been designed for the B2B and B2B2C segments. The EMS features a state-of-the-art SDK as well as an API to connect to multiple data sources and make developers' lives easier. It ultimately delivers dynamic and personalized experiences in AR and/or VR environments in real-time. Appearition's team of global experts in their respective fields, share the ambition to be the leading supplier of immersive technologies and services to the global market. A dedicated, in-house R/D team operates out of Melbourne and entertains various international research partnerships with leading universities. Appearition is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with offices in the US, as well as in India. Opening of additional global offices to be announced later this year.Read more
Popular SearchesAppearition Pty LtdAppearitionAppearition USA IncAppearition - Immersive RealitiesAppearition is anSIC Code 73,737NAICS Code 54,541Show moreAppearition Org Chart
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Appearition Now Supports 5G Edge Powered by AWS Wavelength
Enterprises can now build scalable edge ready augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and extended reality (XR) solutions with Appearition SmartConnect. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, February 7, 2022 / -- Appearition has announced that …
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Appearition
Appearition was established with the vision to enable its customers' success by developing and deploying Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) software solutions across verticals. Over the years, Appearition has developed and constantly improved what it calls "Green Spot Process" for digital transformation projects, to deliver and obtain... Read More