American Federation of Musicians
Membership Organizations · New York, United States · 952 Employees
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Who is American Federation of Musicians
Founded in 1896, the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM/AFofM) is a 501(c)(5) labor union representing professio nal instrumental musicians in the United States and Canada. The AFM is headquartered in New York, New York.Read more
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first initials + last | | 56.3% |
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American Federation of Musicians News & Media
Session Musicians Approved for AFM, SAG-AFTRA Settlement | Billboard
Session musicians have won tentative approval of a settlement to resolve a class action that accused AFM and SAG-AFTRA of charging an improper “service fee” on royalty payments.HBO And American Federation Of Musicians Settle Dispute Over 'The Gilded Age'
HBO and American Federation of Musicians have reached a settlement in their dispute over the employment of musicians on miniseries 'The Gilded Age.'
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding American Federation of Musicians
Founded in 1896, the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM/AFofM) is a 501(c)(5) labor union representing professional instrumental musicians in the United States and Canada. The AFM is headquartered in New York, New York.... Read More