
Atul Kothari

Owner at Atul B Kothari, CPA

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(***) ***-****

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Last Update 4/1/2024 5:33 PM

About Atul Kothari

Sanjay Jain is a native of New Delhi and a Civil Engineer from IIT Delhi. Brought up in a religious family, he has deep rooted belief in Ahimsa and is a practicing vegetarian. He completed an MS at LSU- Baton Rouge. After working on the Space Station program and Petro Chemical software, he moved into Healthcare IT and retired from Cerner Corporation as Chief Architect of RIS/-PACS integration systems. Sanjay and his wife Dr. Renu Jain began volunteering at Arya Samaj in 1994, when their older son began attending DAV Sanskriti School. Since then they have had many roles in the management committee of Arya Samaj. With the founding of MGL, Sanjay came in touch with Atul Kothari and found the MGL’s mission noble and consistent with his values. He became a volunteer with the speech contest in 2005 and has since coordinated Speech and other contests and chaired Shraddanjali and 1000 Lights for Peace.Read more

Atul Kothari Current Workplace

Atul B Kothari, CPA

2003-present (21 years)

We are a small firm comprised of highly qualified, experienced CPAs and accountants. Since 1983, we have offered a full range of accounting, tax and small business consulting services. Our firm will focus on your unique tax, accounting and consulting...
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Atul Kothari Work Experience & Education

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University of Houston


Polytechnic Institute of New York

high school diploma

Sainik School Balachhadi
Board Memberships & Affiliations

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Org Chart - Atul B Kothari, CPA






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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Atul Kothari

What company does Atul Kothari work for?
Atul Kothari works for Atul B Kothari, CPA as Owner
What is Atul Kothari’s role in Atul B Kothari, CPA?
Atul Kothari’s role in Atul B Kothari, CPA is Owner
What is Atul Kothari’s email address?
Atul Kothari’s email address is a***@abkcpa.com
What is Atul Kothari’s business email address?
Atul Kothari’s business email address is a***@abkcpa.com
What is Atul Kothari’s direct phone number?
Atul Kothari’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Atul Kothari’s work phone number?
Atul Kothari’s headquarters phone number is (713) 785-3900
What is Atul Kothari’s latest education?
Atul Kothari’s latest education in MBA at University of Houston
Which industry does Atul Kothari work in?
Atul Kothari works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Atul Kothari’s peers at other companies?
Atul Kothari’s peers at other companies are Rick Walkup, Garth Norris, Wayne Triantos, Rocco Caputo, Felipe Quiambao.
Who are Atul Kothari’s colleagues?
Some of Atul Kothari’s colleagues are Neeta Dhingreja.
How can I contact Atul Kothari?
Atul Kothari contact details: Email address: a***@abkcpa.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Atul Kothari?

Sanjay Jain is a native of New Delhi and a Civil Engineer from IIT Delhi. Brought up in a religious family, he has deep rooted belief in Ahimsa and is a practicing vegetarian. He completed an MS at LSU- Baton Rouge. After working on the Space Station program and Petro Chemical software, he moved into Healthcare IT and retired from Cerner Corporatio... n as Chief Architect of RIS/-PACS integration systems. Sanjay and his wife Dr. Renu Jain began volunteering at Arya Samaj in 1994, when their older son began attending DAV Sanskriti School. Since then they have had many roles in the management committee of Arya Samaj. With the founding of MGL, Sanjay came in touch with Atul Kothari and found the MGL’s mission noble and consistent with his values. He became a volunteer with the speech contest in 2005 and has since coordinated Speech and other contests and chaired Shraddanjali and 1000 Lights for Peace.Read More

Where is Atul Kothari based?
Atul Kothari works for Atul B Kothari, CPA, located at United States
Who is Atul B Kothari, CPA’s Owner?
Atul B Kothari, CPA's Owner is Atul Kothari
See more information about Atul Kothari

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