Alison Barfoot

Alison Barfoot Email & Phone number

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+256 *** ******

Alison Barfoot Current Workplace

Alison Barfoot Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 4/23/2024 9:39 AM

About Alison Barfoot

Alison Barfoot works at St Francis Chapel - Makerere, which is an Organizations company. Alison graduated from their alma mater, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is currently based in Uganda. They used to work at St Stephen's. Found email listings include: a***,,and more

Alison Barfoot Current Workplace

St Francis Chapel - Makerere

2022-present (2 years)

St Francis Chapel - Makerere is a company that operates in the Religious Institutions industry. It employs 11-20 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Uganda.

Alison Barfoot Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director of Instrumental Music

St Stephen's




Bachelor of Music Degree summa cum laude

Ithaca College

Master of Divinity degree

Trinity School for Ministry

Doctor of Ministry degree

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Recent News About Alison Barfoot

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Alison Barfoot

What is Alison Barfoot’s direct phone number?
Alison Barfoot’s direct phone number is +256 *** ******
What is Alison Barfoot’s latest job experience?
Alison Barfoot’s latest job experience is Director of Instrumental Music at St Stephen's
What is Alison Barfoot’s latest education?
Alison Barfoot’s latest education in Bachelor of Music Degree summa cum laude at Ithaca College
Which industry does Alison Barfoot work in?
Alison Barfoot works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Alison Barfoot’s peers at other companies?
Alison Barfoot’s peers at other companies are Dale Spaulding, Cathy Koob, Renee Handtke, Carol Fischer, Wendy Warner.
Where is Alison Barfoot based?
Alison Barfoot works for St Francis Chapel - Makerere, located at Uganda
See more information about Alison Barfoot

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