
Lisa McHatton

Director at New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center

Lisa McHatton Email & Phone number

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(978) ***-****

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Last Update 4/15/2024 6:25 AM

About Lisa McHatton

Lisa is the Executive Director of the New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, Inc. (NETAAC). She joined NETAAC in the late 80’s after obtaining her degree in business administration.  She quickly advanced through the contract and finance departments thanks to her aptitude to work with numbers and excellent work ethic.  Lisa was the Chief Financial Officer for 10 years and named Executive Director in 2006. Her empowering leadership style and commitment to seeing this manufacturing program succeed has turned NETAAC into one of the best performing centers in the nation.  Her passion and genuine concern for U.S. manufacturers is undeniable.  Lisa has dedicated 25 years to working with manufacturers, helping them to compete in both domestic and global markets.  She has initiated 100’s of successful projects that have resulted in sales growth and profitability.  She continues to believe today that a strong manufacturing region creates economic success!Read more

Lisa McHatton Current Workplace

Incorporated in 1981, NETAAC has been administering the TAA for Firms program in New England for over 25 years, helping manufacturers retain jobs, expand sales, and increase productivity. This program provides assistance to U.S. manufacturers affecte...
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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Lisa McHatton

What company does Lisa McHatton work for?
Lisa McHatton works for New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center as Director
What is Lisa McHatton’s role in New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center?
Lisa McHatton’s role in New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center is Director
What is Lisa McHatton’s email address?
Lisa McHatton’s email address is l***@netaac.org
What is Lisa McHatton’s business email address?
Lisa McHatton’s business email address is l***@netaac.org
What is Lisa McHatton’s direct phone number?
Lisa McHatton’s direct phone number is (978) ***-****
What is Lisa McHatton’s work phone number?
Lisa McHatton’s headquarters phone number is (978) 663-9870
Which industry does Lisa McHatton work in?
Lisa McHatton works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Lisa McHatton’s peers at other companies?
Lisa McHatton’s peers at other companies are James Browning, Alex Voigt, Patrick West, Ryan Adler, Anand Roy.
Who are Lisa McHatton’s colleagues?
Some of Lisa McHatton’s colleagues are Stephanie Bardouleau.
How can I contact Lisa McHatton?
Lisa McHatton contact details: Email address: l***@netaac.org Phone number: (978) ***-****
Who is Lisa McHatton?

Lisa is the Executive Director of the New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, Inc. (NETAAC). She joined NETAAC in the late 80’s after obtaining her degree in business administration.  She quickly advanced through the contract and finance departments thanks to her aptitude to work with numbers and excellent work ethic.  Lisa was the Chief Fi... nancial Officer for 10 years and named Executive Director in 2006. Her empowering leadership style and commitment to seeing this manufacturing program succeed has turned NETAAC into one of the best performing centers in the nation.  Her passion and genuine concern for U.S. manufacturers is undeniable.  Lisa has dedicated 25 years to working with manufacturers, helping them to compete in both domestic and global markets.  She has initiated 100’s of successful projects that have resulted in sales growth and profitability.  She continues to believe today that a strong manufacturing region creates economic success!Read More

Where is Lisa McHatton based?
Lisa McHatton works for New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, located at United States
See more information about Lisa McHatton

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