David Renzulli

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David Renzulli Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 3/15/2024 8:01 PM

About David Renzulli

David Renzulli received his Bachelor of Environmental Design From the University of Kansas in 1983 and his Bachelor of Architecture in 1984. Whileattending the University of Kansas, David's architectural photography and furniture design and construction were featured in numerous art shows within the university. While attending the university, David worked with various architectural firms in Topeka and Kansas City, Kansas. Upon graduation in 1984, David Relocated to Raleigh, NC. Since relocating to Raleigh, David has gained experience in every aspect of the field of architecture. David has worked on numerous projects, including public schools, office buildings (low and high rise), retail, parking structures, mixed-use, and residential. David acquired his architectural license in 1991, his National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB) certificate in 1992, and he became a LEED Accredited Professional 2007, later upgraded to LEED AP BD+C 2009 (LEED Accredited Professional Building Design and Construction). Throughout the years, David has acquired the reputation, with clients, of timely decisions, understanding the client's needs, outstanding communication, dedication to exceptional design, comprehensive documents, and sustainable practices. Prior to opening ORA Architecture as a principal with Andrew Iatridis and Chris Grimes, David became a senior associate with Cline Design Associates in Raleigh, NC, due to his work on high-profile projects, such as Diamond View 2 in Durham, NC, RDU #3 office complex in Cary, NC, and Powerhouse Plaza mixed-use project in Raleigh, NC.Read more

David Renzulli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


ORA Architecture


Senior Project Manager & Senior Associate

Cline Design Associates


Senior Project Manager

Cline Design Associates


Project Architect & Architect & Intern & Architect & Project Manager

Doggett Architects




Bachelor of Environmental Design

University of Kansas

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding David Renzulli

What company does David Renzulli work for?
David Renzulli works for as Retired
What is David Renzulli’s direct phone number?
David Renzulli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is David Renzulli’s latest job experience?
David Renzulli’s latest job experience is Principal at ORA Architecture
What is David Renzulli’s latest education?
David Renzulli’s latest education in Bachelor of Environmental Design at University of Kansas
Who is David Renzulli?

David Renzulli received his Bachelor of Environmental Design From the University of Kansas in 1983 and his Bachelor of Architecture in 1984. While attending the University of Kansas, David's architectural photography and furniture design and construction were featured in numerous art shows within the university. While attending the university, Davi... d worked with various architectural firms in Topeka and Kansas City, Kansas. Upon graduation in 1984, David Relocated to Raleigh, NC. Since relocating to Raleigh, David has gained experience in every aspect of the field of architecture. David has worked on numerous projects, including public schools, office buildings (low and high rise), retail, parking structures, mixed-use, and residential. David acquired his architectural license in 1991, his National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB) certificate in 1992, and he became a LEED Accredited Professional 2007, later upgraded to LEED AP BD+C 2009 (LEED Accredited Professional Building Design and Construction). Throughout the years, David has acquired the reputation, with clients, of timely decisions, understanding the client's needs, outstanding communication, dedication to exceptional design, comprehensive documents, and sustainable practices. Prior to opening ORA Architecture as a principal with Andrew Iatridis and Chris Grimes, David became a senior associate with Cline Design Associates in Raleigh, NC, due to his work on high-profile projects, such as Diamond View 2 in Durham, NC, RDU #3 office complex in Cary, NC, and Powerhouse Plaza mixed-use project in Raleigh, NC.Read More

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