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Mountview Estates

Real Estate · United Kingdom · 29 Employees

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151 High St, London, Greater London, N14 6EW, U...

Phone Number

+44 2089205777


$96.8 Million

Stock Symbol



Real Estate

Who is Mountview Estates

Mountview Estates P.L.C. is a Property Trading Company. The Company owns and acquires tenanted residential property throughout the UK and sells such property when it becomes vacant. The Company's wholly owned subsidiaries are: hurstway investment company ltd Hurstway Investment Company Limited louise goodwin ltd Louise Goodwin Limited ALG properties ltd A.L.G. Properties Limited Hurstway Investment Company Limited is a property trading company. Louise Goodwin Limited and A.L.G. Properties Limited are property investment companies.Read more

Mountview Estates's Social MediaPopular SearchesMountview Estates PLCMountview EstatesLouise Goodwin 09LouisegoodwinSIC Code 65,651NAICS Code 53,531Ticker LON: MTVWShow more

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Mountview Estates

Where is Mountview Estates located?
Mountview Estates's headquarters are located at 151 High St, London, Greater London, N14 6EW, United Kingdom
What is Mountview Estates's phone number?
Mountview Estates's phone number is +44 2089205777
What is Mountview Estates's stock symbol?
Mountview Estates's stock symbol is MTVW
What is Mountview Estates's official website?
Mountview Estates's official website is www.mountviewplc.co.uk
What is Mountview Estates's Revenue?
Mountview Estates's revenue is $96.8 Million
What is Mountview Estates's SIC code?
Mountview Estates's SIC: 65,651
What is Mountview Estates's NAICS code?
Mountview Estates's NAICS: 53,531
How many employees does Mountview Estates have?
Mountview Estates has 29 employees
What industry does Mountview Estates belong to?
Mountview Estates is in the industry of: Real Estate
What is Mountview Estates competition?
Mountview Estates top competitors include: Propertyinvestment.co.uk Ltd, Sourced4You, Buy2LetExpert, The Armitage Group
What technology does Mountview Estates use?
Some of the popular technologies that Mountview Estates uses are: ASP.NET, reCAPTCHA, jQuery, Investis Digital Cloud Websites
How do I contact Mountview Estates?
Mountview Estates contact info: Phone number: +44 2089205777 Website: www.mountviewplc.co.uk
What does Mountview Estates do?

Mountview Estates P.L.C. is a Property Trading Company. The Company owns and acquires tenanted residential property throughout the UK and sells such property when it becomes vacant. The Company's wholly owned subsidiaries are: hurstway investment company ltd Hurstway Investment Company Limited louise goodwin ltd Louise Goodwin Limited ALG propertie... s ltd A.L.G. Properties Limited Hurstway Investment Company Limited is a property trading company. Louise Goodwin Limited and A.L.G. Properties Limited are property investment companies.Read More

What are Mountview Estates social media links?
Mountview Estates Linkedin page
Is Mountview Estates a public company?
Yes, Mountview Estates is a public company and is traded under the symbol MTVW
See more information about Mountview Estates

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