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Mill Creek South

Building Materials · Virginia, United States · <25 Employees

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PO Box 1283, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902, ...


<$5 Million


Building Materials Manufacturing

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Who is Mill Creek South

Mill Creek South is a planned unit development. A PUD is a subdivision created with Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and a Declaration of Covenants governing such matters as architectural design and maintenance of common areas. These documents were filed with Albemarle County by the developer. The Articles and Covenants run with the land in perpetuity. The Mill Creek South Homeowners Association is a non-profit corporation created by the Articles of Incorporation and registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia. The business of the Association is conducted by a seven-member Board of Directors elected by the homeowners. The Directors are homeowners and volunteer their time. They are elected at the annual meeting, held on the third Wednesday in March. The directors serve two-year terms. The officers are elected by the Board of Directors to one year terms. The Bylaws spell out the management duties and responsibilities of the Board and the officers. All homeowners are required to pay dues to the association to cover expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and printing and mailing. Annual dues are $85 per lot. Meetings of the Board are generally held at 7:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month. The date, time, and location of the next meeting are announced in the minutes of each meeting. Minutes are distributed to each resident in the newspaper slots and are mailed to absentee owners.Read more

Mill Creek South's Social MediaPopular SearchesMill Creek SouthMill Creek South HOASIC Code 86,864NAICS Code 81,813Show more

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Mill Creek South

Where is Mill Creek South located?
Mill Creek South's headquarters are located at PO Box 1283, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902, United States
What is Mill Creek South's official website?
Mill Creek South's official website is www.millcreeksouth.org
What is Mill Creek South's Revenue?
Mill Creek South's revenue is <$5 Million
What is Mill Creek South's SIC code?
Mill Creek South's SIC: 86,864
What is Mill Creek South's NAICS code?
Mill Creek South's NAICS: 81,813
How many employees does Mill Creek South have?
Mill Creek South has <25 employees
What industry does Mill Creek South belong to?
Mill Creek South is in the industry of: Building Materials, Manufacturing
What is Mill Creek South competition?
Mill Creek South top competitors include: Wichita Tree, Wildewood at Plantation Homeowners Association, North Charleston Tree Service, Fresno Tree Removal
What technology does Mill Creek South use?
Some of the popular technologies that Mill Creek South uses are: jQuery, MailChimp, Gigya Beacon, jQuery Migrate
What does Mill Creek South do?

Mill Creek South is a planned unit development. A PUD is a subdivision created with Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and a Declaration of Covenants governing such matters as architectural design and maintenance of common areas. These documents were filed with Albemarle County by the developer. The Articles and Covenants run with the land in perpet... uity. The Mill Creek South Homeowners Association is a non-profit corporation created by the Articles of Incorporation and registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia. The business of the Association is conducted by a seven-member Board of Directors elected by the homeowners. The Directors are homeowners and volunteer their time. They are elected at the annual meeting, held on the third Wednesday in March. The directors serve two-year terms. The officers are elected by the Board of Directors to one year terms. The Bylaws spell out the management duties and responsibilities of the Board and the officers. All homeowners are required to pay dues to the association to cover expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and printing and mailing. Annual dues are $85 per lot. Meetings of the Board are generally held at 7:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month. The date, time, and location of the next meeting are announced in the minutes of each meeting. Minutes are distributed to each resident in the newspaper slots and are mailed to absentee owners.Read More

What are Mill Creek South social media links?
Mill Creek South Facebook page
Is Mill Creek South a public company?
Mill Creek South is private company therefore does not currently have an official ticker symbol
See more information about Mill Creek South

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